Best Movie Soundtrack

Definitely this

And this, even though it took je 3 watches to get the jist of what Tarantino is all about.

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I love the Pulp Fiction sound track - well done Maria :0)

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I like the classical musical scores as well like Ennio Morricone too.


WOW Maria you really excelling yourself tonight :0)

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I would say my Dad had an influence with the Ennio Morricone films

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Where to start here.

The answer is John Williams. Spent an evening in his company at the Hollywood Bowl once. Compared by Julie Andrews. Possibly like being in heaven, probably because neither of us were driving!

As a one off, Gabrielle’s Oboe Morricone conducts Morricone: The Mission (Gabriel's Oboe) - YouTube

But whole movie, Starwars.


We actually said that last night on the way home from the match. We also included Scorcese in the mix. :nerd_face:

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Who came out best in Miss Andrews’ comparison, you or John Williams? :thinking::wink::nerd_face:

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Don’t know if it’s just my humor, but this is amazing

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Recently watched Spy Game. Great Soundtrack.

I watched a film a couple of months back called ‘The Hollywood Knights’.

While I can’t recommend the film itself, the soundtrack is an absolute belter. For some reason I imagine @Maria would appreciate it.

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John Williams

I love music soundtracks, probably more than the films themselves, thank you @deneb, will check this one out. :pray:t4: :blush:

I need to get back listening to music again, I kind have lost my way musically.

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And good film to boot

Really tough call but i think JW wins it by a Jurassic Park.

Yeah he wrote some jaws dropping music.

Hans Zimmer does it for me. I guess he could be accused of being a bit ‘samey’, but Christ I can’t get enough of his soundtracks.

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Interesting Hans Zimmer fact. Earlier in his career he was involved in this

Fuck me.