Climate Catastrophe

Same here.
They ALL make promises that wont be kept, in order to gain votes.

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I think that is true with most governments. Unpopular or difficult decisions are kicked in to the long grass so the next incumbent has to deal with them. The government that failed to deal with the problem in the first place then uses it as a stick to beat the new government with.


Fast forward to 2028.
Labour been in power for 4 years, making an equally bad horses arse of running the nation, rolling out the “The Conservatives left us in shit state, we’re not as bad as them” excuses.

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British politics aside, the world is definitely in trouble. Surprisingly, very little attention has been paid to the ridiculous temperatures occurring in South America right now. In the southern hemisphere’s winter!


I think it’s great, as it means freshly cooked fish straight out of the sea. You can’t get any fresher than that :wink:

How much does this contribute world wide to air pollution?
Eating is a function, not an art.

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With all that heavy rain in Germany maybe a decent defensive midfielder will float his way to Liverpool :pray:t3:

Got hit hard by hail just over a week ago - caused an electrical outage. Much like tornados, what used to be quite rare is now becoming a normal part of our summer.

on the other side of the world, Lahaina Harbor is on fire.

36 dead now.

yep, my parents’ favorite place on earth. Couple of my friends too.

It’s terrifying. There are reports of people having to hide out in the sea because there was no where else to go.

One of my favorite neighborhood spots just announced that they can no longer open for lunch as normal because of safety issues they’ve been experiencing caused by the heat. They’re be closed until at least monday and will then reevaluate based on the weather forecast.

Interesting idea: no in-built battery = cheap scooter.

The incredibly difficult thing now is where to evacuate to - you need a center of comparable size to support that displaced population. By road, the closest city of Yellowknife’s size, almost 1500km on roads that one does not go much faster than 100 km/h on - especially if they are going to unprecedentedly crowded. That’s like evacuating from Paris to Warsaw.

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yep, it’s going to get ugly really quickly up there. how long ago were the Fort MacMurray fires? I see a theme…

One of the concerns I read about, was the amount of available gasoline in Yellowknife for all of the vehicles needed to evacuate that city by Friday at noon which is the advised deadline. they have to truck fuel in to get those people out. how many people you know want to drive a tanker loaded with gasoline into a forest fire area!?!?!

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@Arminius @Semmy are you guys near the wildfire zones?