Climate Catastrophe

it’s all the same. it’s transported as a liquid and final-mile delivery is in gas state.

can’t go wrong with a Honda. they’re bulletproof, well engineered and cheap parts


Not in the vast majority of BC. If you are in greater Vancouver, your gas is transported on the Westcoast Transmission system and is gas the whole way. The only time LNG is used in the Vancouver is for storage against peak use. There is LNG distribution in some remote/northern locations, but most of the province’s population is on the pipeline network. Westcoast/Spectra/Enbridge were clients of mine.

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fascinating. but regardless, my point is my gas usage is only 15% of my actual bill.

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yep, paying for that pipeline, basically. Carbon tax should be approaching the same number as the gas itself now (Ontario is ~ 16 cents/m3, and 12.5 cents/m3 of carbon tax), with the 2024 rate pushing the tax higher than the natural gas itself.

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bud, it’s already 40% more than the Natural Gas cost. fucking ridiculous.

Fortis charges by the GJ usage. NG rate is 2.230/GJ. the tax is 3.2384/GJ.

tell me again how taxing the end consumers make the climate issues go away?

Ah right, you are paying less per GJ than Ontario, but the same carbon tax.

By making the economic case for switching to a heat pump better. With BC’s electrical generation portfolio, it will soon make more sense to use electricity than natural gas for heating - it probably already does, but not when you factor in installed capital.

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heat pumps are shit. I’m surrounded by construction people. not a single one will put a heat pump in their home.

The current generation is a lot better for colder climates than the last major wave that policy pushed. Smaller units just didn’t perform well, institutional sizes worked better. Those units from about 20 years ago were a disaster for other reasons, namely that they were bought with the expectation that Henry Hub NG prices were above $10 forever and electricity would be cheap. Both of those turned out to be wrong. I have a school board client that has 5 identical schools, all built around 2000 using heat pump systems. Top quartile as energy/m2 performers, bottom quartile as energy $/m2 performers - they have been begging the Province for years to allow switching to rooftop natural gas units so they could stop bleeding money. They were finally allowed to do that as a covid ventilation project, but now natural gas is no longer as compelling (in significant measure due to carbon tax). At least they have the benefit of both, running the heat pumps until it gets too cold (when heat pumps switch on the secondary heating), then switch to the natural gas units.

Current ones should be fairly good in Coastal BC, because you just don’t see much of the temperatures where they are operating as glorified baseboard heaters. They make a lot of sense in Quebec now, because electricity is so cheap relative to other fuels, and in environmental terms the electricity is very, very close to zero emissions. Harder to make the case for them down East though, because that electricity is still significantly coal.

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those three words right there is everything that is wrong with what’s happening today. Society has evolved so fucking fast that nobody can wrap their heads around how to guide that progress in a way that isn’t PURE CAPITALISM. Because the creative and engineering fields are following the almighty dollar and those who write the laws are being pushed by the big $$$ lobbyists to keep that agenda rolling…

When you have a government pushing and taxing the people on behalf of the environment, but silently signing contracts to the corporate interests… you have a conflict of interest situation and it’s fucking horrifying for our children. Because very soon, the people will be unable to organize any type of movement against that type of government.

Tell me again why Trudeau purchased TMEP and then raised carbon taxes multiple times??

Yep, you will have to look elsewhere for that explanation. I support carbon pricing, but would prefer an emissions trading structure to carbon tax. The Liberals chose to use a carbon tax, ostensibly because it was simpler and more universal, no exceptions. Fair enough, there are lots of complexities with an emissions trading system. But they threw the ‘no exceptions’ idea out the window when it came to suck up to Maritime voters eyeing the Conservatives.

Carbon price: Hutchings says Prairies need to elect more Liberals | CTV News.

That absolutely infuriated me.

We are in the second week of December and it’s not even cold. It’s just not warm anymore. The temperatures should have been 10-20C but it’s around 25-30C. We have seriously fucked the climate.

25-30 not warm?!


well, last year and year before we were under a foot of snow by now. it’s 5’C and raining, with freezing temps coming next week.

but years before that, no snow. I don’t think the weather understands or cares about the Gregorian calendar

It feels so comfy after months of 30-35C :blush:

Below -10 = Fucking freezing
-10 to 0 = Cold
0 to 5 = Quite cold
5 to 10 = Chilly
10 to 20 = Mild
20 to 25 = Pleasant
25 to 30 = Warm
30 to 35 = Hot
35 to 40 = Uncomfortable
Above 40 = Intolerable

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Was in Taipei and now in HK, Taipei was cold because of the incessant raining. But both places did not feel as cold as I remembered for past Decembers.

Bundy is currently around 20 overnight. Not cold, not warm but pleasant.

When it is like that in London overnight it is stiffling, but being out in the sticks you get a bit if breeze and it is ok.