Who is to judge? Would you agree that less would be the way forward? I think it very much is. Less people use less raw materials, eat less, pollute less etc etc etc. Thanos had a very good point.
But how do you do it? Go into politics saying you’d pay parents extra for just having one child? Strategically engineer another non-nuke world war? Send billions to Mars? Or just suggest to people that less kids is a good thing in the first world and raise the floor level in the 3rd world so they don’t need 10 kids to be sure there’s one survivor to look after them in their old age?
The biggest problem this planet faces is too many people. The “solutions” are difficult but the problem must be faced.
For me at least, the acceptable number needs to be formulated, and then worked on. I don’t know what that is.
But there is one possible pathway: experience in history has shown that the richer a society is, the less children are born in it. That could be a possible pathway. Raise the economic bar everywhere high enough, on the whole planet, and you’ll eventually get a grip on this problem. Which means: massive redistribution of wealth at planetary scale.
Otherwise, I don’t think that there is any way to stop surpopulation. Even a highly dictatorial political system like China’s failed in their attempts to tackle the issue.
That was very much Bill Gates thinking. He’s done lot in trying to lift up the poorer populations on the theory that if they were wealthier and healthier they would have less children and world population would fall. That very theory was jumped on by anti vaccine people and whatever Bill Gates did. He also predicted our next greatest threat was a virus believe.
For that to ultimately happen I think the rich need to give ground with regard to wealth. But that is a pipe dream
Yeah, there are people who work tirelessly into another direction: transforming a big part of the human population into slaves, in order to allow the small remaining part of it to live in unrestrained luxury. Steve Bannon for instance, or that cunt Cummings. Many others.
The highlighted bit is very true. Low reproductivity rates are always observed in countries with a high equality between men and women. There seems also to be a relation between increasing prosperity, increasing equality between men and women, and a decreasing reproductivity rate.
Things can go surprisingly fast once there is a common willingness to reach a given goal. But that point needs to be reached in the first place. As long as idiots like Trump, Bolsonaro and so many others are in charge, there is no chance of course.
The answer is education. Keep women in higher education for longer e.g. into their late teens, early twenties; reproduction rates will fall as a natural consequence.
It’s something I tell my wife every day. My biggest regret is that you didn’t go to university and put off having our kids until it was too late. See agrees. She also wishes I wasn’t the father of kids with her. I then tell her how glad I am we at least can agree on something
It is weird yes, because if traffic were flowing right around the country, you would expect it at every major conurbation; it looks wider than Venice, Turin and Milan. So why also not Rome and Naples? One blob looks like Pisa and Florence. Its CERNE they must have that fusion plant going. Or balsamic vinegar.
Basically northern Italy is fairly industrial (Milan, Bologna, Turin, Venice). High population, high industrialization. When coupled with the geography (mountains) and environment (wind) it means pollutants don’t get dispersed. Creating a high background level.
The picture is somewhat misleading in that regard. (Not pollution created, but air pollution)
I’d be interested what car drivers on our forum think about this new development. Is a shorter charging time a significant factor for you to switch to an electric vehicle? I really have a very distanced view on this as a non-driver