Climate Catastrophe

Pretty sure you established that both numbers could be covered under the description of ‘a few’


Can’t say we weren’t warned…


I guess this ‘natural gas’ craze isn’t sustainable either…


Yeah, I heard it on the radio today. According to the scientists, it’s the first time in 120’000 years that we reach that level of global temperature (15,2°C, up from 13,7°C in pre-industrial times).

How they calculated that, though, is not clear for me.

Getting one of those super fun polar vortices that comes from the weakening of the Gulf Stream. It was -25 C earlier. Have not had that for a couple of years, with last year’s freakishly warm winter.


Getting ready for Snowmaggedon here. Supposed to start this evening into tomorrow morning. Will be only the second time it has snowed on island in the past 35 years!

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Anybody want to go for a swim?

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it would be refreshing, but probably best if you had a sauna to go with it


It has been -20 to -25 here for a few days. I have not been out for a walk, but I fear for the goose I’ve been keeping an eye on. He broke his wing months ago, and has just been living next to a pond in our neighborhood, eating the grass and being visited from time to time by the rest of the flock.

They have long since scarpered to warmer climes for the winter, and he has been by himself for a few months. I have been amazed by his resilience, but when it warms up a bit and I go for a walk again, I fear the worst for him…

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What kind of goose? Canada Geese are shockingly resilient to cold, there are populations in places like Chicago and Toronto that simply don’t migrate.

It was -23C this morning when I made coffee. I don’t believe we saw temperatures anything like this last year in that freakishly warm winter.

Canada Goose. I noticed months ago that he had broken his wing and could not fly. Mrs ROTW phoned some local rescue place but because the goose was not on anyone’s property they didn’t send anyone out to rescue it.

I walk the dog past the pond regularly, and the rest of the flock would leave and come back from time to time. But I’ve not seen the others for a long time now.

I haven’t walked for a few days as it has been so cold, but when it warms up a bit I will go past the pond again and see if he is still alive.

I have been amazed by his resilience but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the past few days have tipped him over :frowning:

The fella’s a champion.

How did you know it was a Canadian Goose? It wanted to have a conversation about infrastructure?


They will presumably be renamed to American geese in the next batch of EOs.


Or shot on sight. Damn foreign geese. Coming over here and taking our geese’s jobs


Surprise Trump hasnt listed it in his justification for big tariffs on trade from Canada


I prefer mature classy French geece personally :wink:

You need to speak ‘langue de Oie’ for those. You have no chance. :grin:

That’s a shame, as I do speak ‘délier la langue’ so thought that might have given me a shot

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Do have the integrated hot tub there on the right, but since the temps have still not gotten above freezing, I imagine using it with either crack the walls and tile, or use up all my propane heating it. Might also lose a digit to freezing, and there’s one I’d desperately like to keep.