Cost of Living Crisis

No. And if you’re being honest neither would you.


Its so infuriating…

What is infuriating exactly?

What is infuriating…the fact that it’s easy money to them…and it makes me and plenty of others angry.

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You’re completely ignoring @Mascot’s point, if it was so easy, then why don’t you do it?

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If you don’t mind me interjecting, some people are driven to do better for themselves, some want a very easy life. Living on benefits isn’t much fun but you don’t need to be working till 1am as I was this morning.

The psychological evidence suggests otherwise, as much as the studies on UBI do.

More often than not, if you give people what they need for a basic sustenance, they will then be driven to do something else that occupies their time in a mentally engaging way.

Respect to you, but you also do sound like the kind of person who isn’t doing things like that for the money.


Sitting at home watching TV? If you only have the basics, you have no cash to pursue mentally engaging activities. Unless you spend your life reading which is no bad thing TBH but not common.

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There are plenty of mentally engaging activities that cost little or no money.


I’d have a go …
But everything is means tested…so the savings…would throw any claim out…

Yeah…I also worked 2 jobs…to pay off my mortgage…and worked 12 to 14 hrs behind a bar…to help with income…


Give me 10 that cost no money. No travel, no fuel, no electricity, no broadband, no equipment, no clothes etc etc.

I’ll wait.

If it’s means-tested, then it strongly suggests that they would be poor enough to qualify for whatever support they’re receiving, unless they’re committing fraud?

As has been pointed out elsewhere, £300 is almost nothing when it comes to funding a holiday, it may just be that they’ve been saving really well?

In any case, not sure why you’d be concerned with them when far more money goes out of the window due to inefficiently-designed taxation systems with loopholes rarely getting closed…

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I did say…i would have a go at benefits…but if I tried to claim, as they are mostly means tested…then because I saved for ‘life after work’ my savings would give me no points…and as I did say before…its easy to save, when you don’t pay council tax, rent, car tax…(yes he’s just been done for no tax)…and laughed it off saying well he got away with it for 4 years…

But that’s not what I said. I said little or no money and that includes walking ,reading, writing, painting, singing, making music, volunteering, gardening, cooking, sewing, knitting, yoga, martial arts, etc etc

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You got one.

Once again, you’re just being obtuse. Unless I’m mistaken, @Bekloppt quite clearly said “little or no money”.

Not no money at all.

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No money means, erm, not sure. No money? I’m not being obtuse I’m being specific. If you throw out a claim, back it up or retract it.

Do I have to bold it and put it in large font?

little or no money

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You do know that the word or means don’t you? Want an idiotic big picture?