Cost of Living Crisis

This looks to be done 100% with duct tape. But I’ve been here since Jan 2010 so that work is at minimum 12 years old and so if it was ever sufficient clearly has outlived its lifespan.

Construction standards in much of the US South are stunningly bad. Energy was so cheap for so long that for problems like leaky ducts the most common solution was to throw a larger unit at the problem. Not sure if it has changed, but it used to be extremely difficult to even find a double-pane window - and I recall having to convince a vendor that triple-pane actually existed.

I think you will like the effect of a ductless minisplit, it will help reduce the need for that excessively conditioned air feel that you so often get in Florida. Minisplits have become fairly common in Quebec and perform well through most of the year, really only hitting limitations in the extreme cold.


Conceptually it makes a ton of sense, I’m just trying to determine how much money it could possibly save me in overall reduced AC costs. Even if saved me $25 a month, which I think averaged over the year is probably not likely, it would still take 8 years + for the cost to break even.

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90% of things can be fixed with these:

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You forgot this


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If it moves and it shouldn’t, duct tape. If it doesn’t move and it should, WD40.

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The proposal this letter refers to is the first serious policy proposal I have seen to address the situation. As long as the caps on wind prices still leave some of the ‘windfall’, capital should flow into developing more capacity. At the same time, the average electricity price to distributors should come down, and therefore the retail price should as well.

I have an interest in a company that has some UK wind assets, they are certainly outperforming right now. But the market price could actually be half of what it has averaged over the last 30 days, and that would still be the case. Fundamentally, the UK just cannot have the market design it has right now where the marginal price is set by CCGT natural gas. Russia simply has too much control over that price, and are using it for non-market purposes.

edit:…and I just saw the announcement that Nordstream is shut indefinitely


So, after much consideration I’m leaning against adding a mini-split to the basement. I think there are ways to spend that money upgrading the system in the main house that will have more of an impact.

The ductwork has to be redone regardless. It is currently uninsulated so will add that. My unit is also 20 years old and while it is still technically working, it is inefficient compared to modern units (only 12 seer) and is a single speed. In the cooler months when the AC doesnt need to work as hard the house can get pretty humid to the point we have to run multiple portable dehumidifiers, and so a variable speed unit will definitely help with that. So, overall there’s a bigger cost to just upgrading the ducted system in the main house, but I think more directly helpful than treating the basement.


not really related to the cost of living, but more the cost of production

at work yesterday was told that the deal we had with our electricty supplier had ended,
and the new quotes we were getting were 8 to 9 times higher

we also have a surcharge a big supplier is now charging us, (£1200 surcharge on Halocarbon 14 from Japan to cover transport costs),

and then there is the 10% increases on chemical deliveries from a British supplier

our waste uplift suppliers have also gone up +10%

another supplier from Germany has increased their prices twice since last Aug, and contacted me 2 weeks ago to inform me they are increasing again by at least 10%

and finally the price of masks used in the class 4 fab have doubled,

the bosses are worried…


Our electricity bill is now frightening. When there’s just me there, I work with a single 5w bulb with a rechargeable torch in the bog. Government must step in otherwise the country will collapse. We can’t absorb the predicted 6 fold increase in bills even with converting everything to LED.

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Yep, you’re right, the country is at risk of full collapse from this. Good luck collecting taxes from that!

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Actually doing the maths on re-wiring the shop to allow it to run on a 12v battery and inverter (use them on site and at fairs) that I then charge at home at night.

My experience from campers is you’ll need a massive battery bank to cope with “normal” day to day stuff. Probably more if you’re running IT stuff and the dreaded kettle. But Boris says a new kettle will sort that. I dont think inverters are all that efficient either but dont hold me to that. Also recharge time will probably be a factor.

No harm in looking at it though. Fascinating to see your results.

EDIT. You’ll still get nailed for the standing charge too.

Ughh do I have to?

Christopher Walken Reaction GIF

Bought a decent battery/inverter rig for outdoor PA events. Will happily run 200w for 5 hours plus. That’s the shop lighting and PC. Sod the kettle…….

I’m scared for the UK. It looks like it is imploding while the government is busy with internal squabbles and Johnson is doing a fucking victory tour of the country.

My parents and my brother still live over there. I’m considering if it may be more economical to bring my parents to live in the US for the winter, rather than trying to afford heating their home.

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Sort of surprising that you haven’t already, LEDs have been around and cheap for a long time now. I am now occasionally surprised when I go to replace a bulb and find out that it isn’t an LED, and have been using LEDs long enough that 1st gen ones are now reaching end of life.


i have also got quotes in for 3 new boilers in the plant room area

our current 1’s were installed in 1997 and we reckon they run at around 60% efficiency, and arent linked to the BMS.

the favored quote came in at 48k, and we reckon our ROI is 3.5 years if gas costs remian high

Moved into a new building recently, all fluorescent tubes. As elec bills were not that important then, wasn’t an issue. Now…….

What things are people contemplating doing?

For my clan, heating and hot water is oil, so just lights and kitchen stuff is electricity. No gas. Other than switch stuff off, go to work rather than work from home can’t see much else.

Washing machine committed suicide last week so our new one is bigger and class A.

Not sure what else tbh.