Cost of Living Crisis

CER – Provincial and Territorial Energy Profiles – Canada.

In 2019, Canada produced 632.2 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity . More than half of the electricity in Canada (60%) is generated from hydro sources. The remainder is produced from a variety of sources, including natural gas, nuclear, wind, coal, biomass, solar, and petroleum

522.20 billion kWh

of electric energy per year. Per capita this is an average of 13,654 kWh .

Canada could provide itself completely with self-produced energy. The total production of all electric energy producing facilities is 650 bn kWh, which is 124% of the countries own usage. Despite this, Canada is trading energy with foreign countries. Along with pure consumptions the production, imports and exports play an important role. Other energy sources such as natural gas or crude oil are also used.

[quote=“Mascot, post:66, topic:2953, full:true”]

I personally believe that people should be able to travel, drive, eat, power their hot tub, etc. but with consideration. What I can not accept is an abuse of these privileges.
Forgetting prices, people need to be more educated in controlling their own foot print. If I go out for a drink and wake up in the morning with every light on in the house I get annoyed with myself, although it is a minor discretion if you multiply this across the world it is huge.
If as a nation/world, we have any ambition of reducing our energy use, we need to educate children at an early age to turn off lights/tv’s/laptops/Ipads/etc and be more economical with other domestic products like washing machines/driers.

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Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your view, China is China. I think the whole world is wary of China and its power/influence. However, we still tip toe around them because our economies rely on them so much. Similar to how most of the world relies on Russia’s oil/gas and a recent example Ukraines grain.

China’s investment is so important short term but can be detrimental long term. I live in Birmingham, there is an area called China town. Which has in the past 5 years has doubled in size. My Brother is a Quantity Surveyor for a big construction company and literally he has had projects where Chinese investors have brought every floor (apart from the jinx numbered floors).

I appreciate that I may have gone off on an a tangent here, but my point is that the world relies so much on Chinese money/investment/cheap products. Until we manage this we will be forever at their mercy.

I live in Vancouver. I know exactly what you’re talking about.

you’re a genius…so let me get this straight…by limiting time with the significant other to just booty calls, you are actually saving the planet? mind. blown.

a player and an eco warrior wrapped into one…


That only scratches the surface of how messed up it is. Ontario is a net importer of energy in financial terms, but an exporter in energy units. We sell hydroelectricity cheap to the US at night, then buy back (coal-generated) electricity at a premium during the day. Meanwhile, Quebec ships massive amounts of clean hydro to NY and New England.


That seems needlessly complicated !

Is it green double counting ?

Allowing both sides to feel good about green credentials (Canada gets the kudos for generating, US for using)

I suspect it’s to do with transmission?

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No, it has nothing to do with environmental objectives. Ontario can only hold back so much hydroelectricity, and demand is relatively low at night. Even more so with our wind assets, which have no dispatch control at all. So every night when demand is low, excess supply hits a weak wholesale market and US firms purchase at bargain prices. During the day, Ontario demand peaks and the provincial grid often goes to the regional market to cover those peaks, buying at a premium.

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Your response really tickled me. I am definitely not a player, more of an Eco ‘walleter’. :rofl:

Can you enlighten me as to why you emoji’d my post? I am not offended, it is just that I would rather a point of view. :+1:t2:

this is where the Tesla powerwall comes in handy. it can charge at night during off-peak times and distro power to your home when needed.

I like the idea of Solar but not that great when you have grey skies for 6mo a year and short days in winter


Just a Tesla on the drive does the trick with the right charging hardware, it becomes the house’s battery.

Re my post above about my aged mum etc.
Btw, I don’t have a car. I cycle nearly everywhere.

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You’re a monster. I bet you run a fridge too.

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Ohhh! I really need to see one of these! :rofl:

Consistent is not what a mountain ridge gives far from it, forceful maybe. It’s one of those dellusions.

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If only energy needs can be powered by unreliable football rumors, the TAN’s thread could power the whole of UK’s energy needs, not to mention those on twitter


Are you talking about EDF that they owned 84% of anyway and have decided to buy the rest.
Noone knows what the hell it’s all about however it’s a company in a great mess due to the conditions it was left under when these private companies sprang up to sell the energy.
Just read an article where they stated 1/2 the 56 french nuclear reactors are out of service due to controls, refurbishment and rust. Wtf!


Don’t forget your passport. :wink: