This is a really interesting piece that should make people rethink the criticisms of wokeness, of how that supposedly is what doomed Dems
Conventional Wisdom: “Toxic Masculinity” is woke. It is a troubling concept because it exists only to make men feel bad about themselves, and a belief in the idea of Toxic Masculinity" is why Latin men have left the Democratic party because Machismo is vital to their self-identity and wont be told its bad.
Latino Men: Yeah, “Machismo” is for douchebags, bro.
I have now laughed at 3 post in this thread that are not under normal circumstances funny, but this and Hegseth’s pastor; it’s just too much. Comically villainous really.Comical. “She was responsible for an incorrect poll where I appeared to be a loser! Destroy her utterly!!!” And “I tell you my congregation: Let a man submit a woman to his patriarchal will! Leash her, whip her and fuck her until she bleeds, in the name of God, Amen !”
I mean, what the fuck even It’s cartoon villain stuff, lol. It sort of becomes comical…
Yes. It is extraordinary serious. I feel kind of bad laughing. I have the same opinion you have, but I am a bit tired of warning against authoritarianism and moral corruption. It feels like I have done that so much regarding the US, it has reached the point where I just smirk and giggle. It’s so crazy and the train is moving so fast towards the mountain, which no one cared to tunnel.
Absolutely fantastic ! When Ruth Bader Ginsburg was as old as stone, they defended her (like literally almost all of Dem internet) with “she has still so much to do and she is such a hero blah blah”. It’s like literally, if you do something good in the past, Americans cling on to you until you are a mummy in a tomb; instead of helping to persuade you into making the logical decision.
It’s really rather cult like in both parties in America. Biden suffered from the same syndrome. But worst was probably Bader Ginsburg (certainly the worst consequences)…
What kind of developed country, apart from the US, has people in their actual 80’s run for election of the most important office in the land. And what other country thinks it is sane to have dead and dying people on the Supreme Court.
It’s some real Bronze Age stuff. Except people tended to die way earlier back then, so maybe not.
Candidates (and judges, having that lot for life is a rather glaring democratic problem) at the peak of their mental ability are just not seen as attractive in the United States, and that is an absolutely damning indictment of the American voter of both parties .
There is a difference. I would never claim that there was no difference. But there also are more similarities than many Democrat voters are comfortable admitting. They live in the same country after all. And there is a certain political culture.
Wonder if we have an ambassador to India? Because if not, I’m surely just as qualified as Walker. I could boss it and have @Sithbare and @Colossal_centre_back over for korma at my palatial residence.
That would actually work in his favour, best to file a petition FOR him on the basis that it will improve the korma. I know that is a bitter pill to swallow, but needs must.
It’s really strange that none of the people who spent the last several years complaining about how the “first amendment is under attack”, people like Bari Weiss and Elon, have said a word about the danger of ABC feeling pressured into settling with Trump over a case Trump could not win, or his suit just filed against Selzer.
It’s almost as if they were not being honest in their takes all these years.