It’s really strange that none of the people who spent the last several years complaining about how the “first amendment is under attack”, people like Bari Weiss and Elon, have said a word about the danger of ABC feeling pressured into settling with Trump over a case Trump could not win, or his suit just filed against Selzer.
It’s almost as if they were not being honest in their takes all these years.
No one here will co-sign your garbage petition. And if they do, I will toss them in jail. It’s the way of the world.
I am wondering if @cynicaloldgit has reached an electable age. Should be there or very close.
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Footage from @Alright_Now_Legend time as ambassador to India
It’s not really secret at all, but Julia writes for ignorant people too.
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Weak !
The American people should at the very least build him a replica of the Neuschwanstein castle.
Mount Rushmore is really weak sauce for the man who single handedly saved the greatest nation in history.
Laudermilk is the member of congress identified as having given tours of congress the day before the riots to people who would lead those efforts. This tour included normally non-public areas and was given at a time when congress was supposed to be closed to the public because of covid restrictions. He then obstructed the Jan 6th committee’s work.
Here he is recommending criminal investigation of one of the committe members for their role in the investigation citing things that are factually incorrect (Hutchinson’s testimony was that her original lawyer was giving her advice designed to help Trump not her, causing her to drop him and find independent representation), and not based on legal statues (congressional testimony does not require legal representation be present).
We are watching the rewriting of history before our eyes. The fact this was all so predictable is why the calls at the time that we all just move on from Jan 6th because “nothing actually bad came from it” were so frustratingly misdirected
Don’t worry. Connolly has it covered.
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All I read from you on this thread convinces me that this is a country of fools…
You are from Wales, aren’t you? What holds you back from getting back home like @ubermick a couple of years ago? Is it nice to live among a vast majority of fools?
It’s got @Noo_Noo there…
So is the answer, noo, noo?
All through the Trump era, CNN, the supposed “Clinton News Network”, has had at least one bad faith Trump dickhead who goes on daily to fight with people while offering bad faith, inconsistent arguments delivered with a combination of victimhood and scorn for everyone who isn’t on their side. There comes a point where the schtick becomes tired even for those who were originally playing along and that character is replaced with a new person who starts with a clean slate of credulity and we’re all asked to pretend we know they arent just replacing yesterday’s goon who has since crumbled under the weight of their ridiculousness. And on the cycle goes.
None have been pathetic than the current guy, Scott Jennings. Yet since Trump’s win people in the establishment are doing the thing of pretending we now have to take these people and their arguments seriously because people who know nothing about anything voted for the guy who knows even less than they do.
Given that, we get this…
That’s because controversy sells, truth doesn’t.
No, but I’d really like to go for a week or so. Why, are they all fools too?
More seriously, it is on its arse economically and it’s genuinely heartbreaking to go home and see what a once beautiful and successful region has become.
Y Cymry, maen nhw’n wallgof!
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