Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

The big problem with this is if you believe it is necessary what it does it paint a target on the back of the people whose actions put them right outside the border of who got the pardons.


And this is actually a popular policy in the country.

Germans beware. Do not take your democracy for granted.


RIP Bidenā€™s grandchildren.

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Thankfully it really isnt. Anti-immigrant policies are currently popular, but are so only when questions are asked at a very superficial level. The moment you get into even the slightest bit of detail, pretty much all of the policy proposals MAGA speak about to achieve their immigration aims are incredibly unpopular. About the only thing that isnt is ā€œdeporting undocumented immigrants with criminal recordsā€ which is something the Trump admin was actually really ineffective at last time around because of how slap dash their policies were.

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Yep, we will seen soon enough I expect.

Didnā€™t expect either the Gulf of Mexico or Panama to rate the inauguration speech, but they both did. The Gulf one is particularly silly, but will likely show up all over the US government now.

Yeah, if I was Liz Cheneyā€™s CoS I would be furiously raising money right now for my pending legal defense.


It sounds like they will be heavy-handed right out of the gate on immigration/border issues, but delay a lot of other action. With 3 vacancies, their House majority is very thin and they will likely become more aggressive after the special elections (April?)

Iā€™m glad that at least one highly questionable lying hypocrite is out of office. Unfortunately itā€™s on to the next. And so on and so forth.

Things I refuse to watch:
Bidenā€™s farewell
Trumpā€™s inauguration
Barry Bondsā€™ HR to pass Aaron


Omg! Who is that bloke saying ā€œfree at lastā€ as if the civil rights just were introduced by Trump.?

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Even worse we have a shrewdness with wealthy silverbacks

Biden granted Leonard Peltier clemency this morning. Thatā€™s quite something when you think of all the other Dem presidents who did not

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My German commentator asks the directorā€¦tell me how long do you want to stay with this crap, after he had really patiently translated all the rubbish :rofl:


Quite striking how this is front page news in Canada, and doesnā€™t seem to be covered at all in the US.


I hadnā€™t seen it. Thank you for pointing it out. Wish heā€™d done it on a standalone basis and wish it wasnā€™t still house arrest. But Iā€™m thrilled.

Yeah, not sure why it was not a pardon, but I guess that would have been more controversial.

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I also donā€™t understand why pardons and commutations are done at the end of terms. I get the symbolism. But they seem to lose meaning and donā€™t serve justice on a timely basis. Arguably they are all viewed cynically. But I donā€™t understand a lot of things these days.

Yeah hilarious isnā€™t it? Fuck off Hilary.

