Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

He has never pretended to be anything other than the extreme RW loon that he is. Before it was trendy he was using evangelical Christianity to fight culture war battles, especially against the rising presence of gays in our culture in the early 2000s. That’s what led to Dan Savage to name the frothy mixture of lube, semen, and feces generated from a bout of anal sex to be called “Santorum”.

omfg :grimacing:

LOL. This page is gold

Santorum’s response was textbook. “the media would cover this differently if it was a conservative doing this to a liberal”/ Right you fucking donkey, because a liberal doesnt need to be crtiicized for trying to jail people just for loving a person of the same sex.

Holy fuck , I had no idea (obviously) about all that. My original comment was based on his recent appearances on CNN where he was clearly put there to offer some balance on their panels during the Trump presidency , and was projecting the ‘common sense’ conservative positions while trying to defend the worst of his excesses.

My favourite line , Savage : “There’s no better way to memorialize the Santorum scandal than by attaching his name to a sex act that would make his big, white teeth fall out of his big, empty head.” :joy:

Fuck me , it’s a wonder the guy could even leave his house after that , never mind brazen it out on tv night after night defending a genuine reprobate like Trump.

It helped him lose a senate race in 2006, in what was a near record loss for an incumbent, yet he still had the balls to run for president twice after that :joy:

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Rudy ordered to pay $148m…

Doubt he could afford $148.

Quality hair dye is not cheap either, poor fella.

Press conference coming up at the Ritz

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Remember that Trump got into office largely because of “her emails” news coverage. Keep that in mind as you see this treated as humdrum



This will no doubt be quickly overturned by the Supreme Court.


I am particularly amused to see Ramaswamy decrying the ‘un-American’ nature of the removal of the ballot as a betrayal of the framers of the 14th amendment…which was enacted for almost precisely this kind of circumstance. After you raise force against the Republic, you cannot go back.

Still something of a disappointment that three years on, there have been no hangings for Treason. They hanged John Brown for far less.

I bet a fair few people are shitting themselves at the moment. Will be interesting to see if any names come out opposing this release

Clinton will be calling in some favours



NYT published a poll yesterday showing a top line result of Biden leading Trump by a couple of points among “likely voters”, typically the gold standard cohort to use for predictive purposes. In contrast to their front page coverage of polls that show Trump with an advantage, their coverage

  1. was not front page
  2. did not focus on the case for Trump to drop out
  3. focused only on the areas in the poll in which Biden is struggling

We are firmly back in “but her emails coverage” of picking the narrative you want to tell and calibrating all of your coverage in that context.


Interesting take on Smith’s newest filing


The conventional wisdom has been that Garland’s DoJ was being dragged reluctantly into doing something by the congressional Jan 6th committee hearing and wasted critical time by sitting on their hands doing nothing. There have been a couple of voices pushing back on that, but not enough to really change the public discourse. Maybe this thread will? Probably not though - narratives are tough to shift once they’ve been established

Epstein’s ‘little black book’ has been around for a while

Sure she would thrash Biden, but could she deal with the Maga crazies?