My goal is to yell point of order and outrageous every time @SBYM says something stupid tomorrow during the game.
We should all be in favor of tabling him after a recorded vote.
Just wait until I’m in the Superbowl thread moaning about the first quarter that goes for 57mins.
Weird thing, ‘tabling’ in most of the English-speaking world means the opposite of what it means in the US. You may not find agreement on your suggestion.
Jesus fucking christ
Again, “but her emails”.
Gabbard was going to share it all anyway
This is my congressman
interesting to note alot of these cultures placed spiritual positions on the gender diverse… reading between the lines alot of these ‘blurbs’ feel like they gloss over how marginalised alot of these groups would have been (i.e the religious cleric/shaman that no one really trusts, maybe slightly scared of them)
i will note the interactive map has a culture in russia which i had to click on…yeah, i reckon that lot were pretty disturbed and then absolutely terrorised…reads more like a cult than a gender diverse society…
Good news! Mike Johnson is trying to find out what’s going on.
They look beyond pathetic
Thanks for that, keep them coming. I had to bullshit explain away my 10-minute laughing fit to my mom.
Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Everyone is saying the Dems should show some backbone and do something, and when they do, they’re called names.
Do you mean to say that the USA does things differently?? You mean like MM/DD/YYYY? Or listing the away team first? Or using measurements like 1/32 of an inch?
Putin must be on the verge of dying from joy and schadenfreude…
I think that’s a fascinating observation. I wonder if those spiritual positions were ascribed to them because they essentially have characteristics of both male and female, so in a way they may have been seen as a synthesis of universality and therefore closer to divine nature?
And yeah the Skoptsy one just makes them sound as though they were lunatics…
The South Africa thing is actual lunacy.
Not to mention, if they were concerned about not wasting taxpayer money, they’d just remove themselves from office because they’re wastes of money and oxygen.