Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

This is fascinating but far from unique. People are increasingly fed up of getting less year on year but with an increasing tax burden. Yet they will continue to vote for the party that promises less tax but never gives anything in return.

I’ve seen lots of social media supportive of gutting USAID and so on quoting mass fraud. I’m laughing, where fo yhese people think that cash will end up? And if its fraud, where are the arrests?

Someone mentioned it earlier. The US is being carved up Russian style.

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As I have said repeatedly, the Dems as a party are made to be responsible for things people outside the party do (activists and just general people posting lefty shit online) in a way Republicans are not for the things they actually do when in office. This whole screed is an example of that.

“I saw someone rob a store and the security guard did nothing. That is because Dems defunded the police”

There are large parts of the Dem coalition who frustrate me and a portion I roll my eyes at. I sort of get how someone who doesnt pay that much attention can assume the conversation is representative of what is happening in Democratic party politics, but most of the time these are people complaining the Dems are NOT responding to their demands.

There seems to be a realization within the party now that they need to do more to distinguish themselves from the advocacy groups and make their own voice heard, and I think that is a good thing. The guy in the video posted above was a key member of the Harry Reid machine in NV and so understands a good bit about how to win tight elections so should be listened to. We must not fall into the trap though of thinking the way to have the things we care about heard is to throw constituencies under the bus if their issues are perceived to be not mainstream, and there are a concerning number of people in the party who think that, Jentleson among them.

You want to ban something but wont take the time to define what it is that should be banned. That just isn’t a serious a position.


Important clarification that seems like it must be wrong but isnt - The Department of Education is not responsible for Education Policy like setting the curriculum or implementation. That is done at the state level. So if you want your kids to not be learning the WOKE then you can go and live in somewhere like Mississipi and have them taught about Noah in science class already. You dont need to get rid of the DoE to achieve this MAGA goal.

So why do they harp on about it so much? The DoE is an extension of the Civil Rights laws that was implemented to make sure states had the resources to implement education policy equitably to all groups. Almost all funding for special ed comes from the DoE, but the biggest issue is prevents state money being spent in brazenly inequitable fashion - the school in the middle class white neighborhood school gets a new gymnasium while the school where the black kids go to dont have enough text books for all the kids and cannot afford to fix the leak in the roof.


I guess peanut allergies are DEI

it feels like the Trump White House is still missing critical priorities like plastic bags being taken out of grocery stores.


These people are gullible morons who know nothing about how government works.

What is being presented is not evidence of fraud, but simply authorized spending they dont like. No one at DOGE has presented a single case of fraud yet.

They celebrate it as some impossibly achieved level of investigation that wasnt possible before, despite all this information being available online since the Bush administration. Even to the regular citizen, if they wanted to know what a government department was spending its money on then it was already available to you to review.

There are actual mechanisms in government already for identifying fraud and misconduct. There is the Government Accountability office and a wide range of Inspector Generals offices. Trump has gutted those.

None of this is about any of the things they claim it is being done to achieve. None of it. The fact Musk though has about 10 different cases pending against various government agencies is surely not irrelevant. This is the first concrete example of this I have seen


Developing a hybrid fork-spoon was not on my list of the sins of the US Department of Education in GOP eyes before this morning.

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Two leaders at the top of our government with Ivy League degrees that didn’t require proficiency in English.

Probably should be dismantling those instead of the DoE.

I’d like to see @cynicaloldgit enter the homeschooling business.

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This is a security issue
You cannot trust the government
Well, this government, certainly


Sadly Murphy is no longer credible. Whether he’s right or not, he’s just another liar.

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Probably the most truthful Kristi Noem’s been in ages.


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Oh well. I won’t spend 4 hours watching.

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Ending racism is now bad.


I’m shocked they didn’t replace it with Encouraging Racism. But I suppose that would actually require courageous racists, and courage isn’t plentiful these days.

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