Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

God damn that was racist :rage:

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Exactly :+1:

The land of the freeā€¦

Free speech for me but not for youā€¦

This is why people who get so wrapped up in cancel culture and their close relations, the supposed free speech absolutists, are so dishonest. There is ALWAYS a line these people acknowledge. They just focus all their arguments on their philosophical argument of free speech and the need for open discourse because they understand on some level it is a losing argument if they instead argue for where they think the line should be. Which 99 times out of a 100 means allowing them to use the N and F word without consequence.

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While I am not exactly convinced that Tik Tok information is not accessible by the China parent, the way the Senators behaved are amusing and embarrassing. Many of them start off with ā€œI donā€™t believe youā€, then why bother asking?

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I understand that the Trump tax cut will expire in 2025, with the exception of corporate tax.


These people are in the highest positions in the US and are not getting treatment for psychosis, or even a reguar talk with a psychologist. At the very, very least, they need the latter. But medication to take the psychosis down to ground level is maybe needed to.


Outright blasphemy is commonplace among American fundamentalist Christians.


Yes and I wasnā€™t really serious either. But it is strange from a European perspective that it is such an acceptable rethoric in the United States. I just sometimes like to highlight it once a year or so.

How common this sort of religious speech is was one of the biggest cultural adjustments I had to make after moving here. The way American Christians tend to talk about god is far more reminiscent of what you see in Greek mythology, like they are Jason going on a quest to get the golden fleece with protection from the Gods of Olympus, but with respect to all sorts of everyday experiences. If you even heard a British Christian talking about their religion, which was rare in my experience, it would tend be more along the lines of how it centered them to help them be the best version of themselves. In America not only do you encounter this sort of speech routinely, it tends to have more of a literal personification of god/jesus in the way they talk. Like they think Jesus is literally sitting next to them when they take an exam to help them get their A in Organic Chemistry so they can get into med school.


Itā€™s the excessive narcissism from particularly evangelicals, (that God chose ā€œmeā€ as a prophet and that God micromanges the smallest task, giving ā€œmeā€ success in bussiness and for overcoming slight diseases, while God at the same time does not intervene in the extreme suffering of millions of other christians) that just gets to me. I just donā€™t understand, from a theological point of view, how it can be defended, theologically, that God directly intervenes in petty personal tasks while the rest of the world burns. At least this loony can be said to ā€œbe guiding the nation as a prophetā€ or some sort of delusional BS like that, but these people so very, very often claims that God directly intervenes in truly, truly petty stuff just to make their lives easier. And that is a self confidence that is extraordinary hard to respect ethically.
Also, what would that say about God ? Not exactly anything good.


MAGA struggling with their massive erection now that Tucker Carlson is in Russia on behalf of Trump, getting VIP treatment, visiting the Bolshoi theatre along with his FSB security delegation. A Mi8 helo crashed today in Karelia (close to Putinā€™s secret mansion). Would have been nice if Mr. Carlson was onboard that one tbh.

Mr. Carlsonā€™s job in Moskva is to talk to Putin and let Putin tell his version of the truth (metaphysical fascist type of truth) to the American people and to sway remaining dumbskulls in the GOP to love Tzar, Russia and MAGA.

And it will work. His propaganda is effective. It always was. People have called Carlson stupid, he never has been stupid, always known what he has been doing on screen. He is something far worse, a complete cynic with conviction. His target audience howeverā€¦


These people will, actually, have real power, if Trump gets elected again. They already have power over US foreign policy under a democratic admin, lashing the cowardly cynics in the GOP establishment under the whip; so they carry water for them, denying Ukraine precious and completely necessary military aid. And this is with a democratic president. If Trump gets electedā€¦

Under a different Republican administration, this would once have been looked upon as treasonā€¦


This guy is at a latter stage of psychosis. He really needs help.

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Well, this is not good


(If you donā€™t think this is highly relevant to domestic US politics, then you donā€™t understand, yet, what Carslon is doing there and why)

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This cunt could be the next MAGA figurehead post-Trump , and therefore most likely the next GOP nominee. :scream:

Vice President material. Itā€™s possible. Or another gov role of importance. Trump has never shown loyalty to the establishment in GOP that licks his boots.

This story is fascinating. This is a gift link so should enable people to get around the paywall


For several years WAPO has been pursuing a story of the growing number of ex senior military officials who after leaving office take up lucrative gigs working for foreign governments. A lot of the information on this has been buried and FOI requests are being slowrolled, but after years of pushing they are now reporting that Trumpā€™s first Sec Def, Jim Mattis, served as personal military advisor to the UAEā€™s MBZ regarding their offensives in Yemen in the period immediately before being appointed by Trump.

Outside of this being a really concerning trend with our military leaders, the relevance of this piece of the story is how much effort went to cover it up. In Mattisā€™ defense, he went through the proper Pentagon channels to get the appointment approved, and he included the work on his disclosures when going through the Sec Def approval process. The issue is that information was scrubbed from the public facing disclosures, and seemingly even from the info presented to the Senate committee responsible for interviewing him and approving him. The fact we were directly involved in the conflict he was getting paid to advise a third party on at the time he was being appointed probably should have been a disqualifying CoI.

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