Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

FWIW, this was a post I made several months ago challenging the credibility of Cass’ 180 and on how seriously we should take his newly arrived at world view.


It’s not about being right or wrong. It’s about the American public(working class included) knowing full well the type of funds needed to fund a war in the middle east and fully supporting that spend all in the name of keeping the USA top dogs.

Those trillions could well have been used to better American lives but they decided to spend it on war in an attempt to rule the world while being seen as “the goodies”

Buyers remorse is what they call it.

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But we got a couple of great seasons of 24 focused on extra judicial punishment of brown people as a result. So swings and roundabouts.


Basically means can read, hasn’t had a baby with their cousin and still has all their teeth. Aka someone for the deplorables to envy.

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This is true, but it is important to understand the positions Trump is today able to take on this issue in the context of how directly and forcefully he took down Jeb in 2016 over him representing the part of the party who supported the Iraq war. It was arguably the point that turned him from a side show to a credible option for the party giving them a clean break from a past they needed to distance themselves from. Whether fair or not, or representative of how he actually governs it gives him superficially the room to contrast what he wants to do with the bad decisions and waste of the Iraq war.

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I usually don’t re-tweet Nexta, but these comments he made are all correct. Could have found other sources, but most have only 1-2 of the sentences.


It’s pretty spectacular, though no one should be surprised.



He went on about interference in the Romanian election and that Europe had a problem with democracy, despite the fact that it was postponed due to Russian interferance


He used his speech as a campaign speech for the German AFD. It’s that bad.


Again, this was the much awaited Secutiry Conferance in Munich. Where the big things, what REALLY matters, was going to be discussed. The future. Security. The Russo-Ukrainian war.

Instead we got this and people who were not shocked previously but blasè from the insanity of the Trump admin, was now shocked. Deeply unserious.

Uk-freedom of religion and Speech. Culture war bullshit. All of it, unimportant culture war bullshit. And Toro will have you believe that it’s the left that is obsessed with Culture War, lol. Nah, some of those he calls the activist left are, it’s true, but the main obsession is from the Far Right as it always have been and evident here by this brazen bufoon which is Vance:


This to me is less about Bush and Trump.

These voters are the same people who supported the spending of trillions on the war machine to rule the world and are now complaining about the wasted trillions that we’re spent because it didn’t make America great.

Rather than encouraging people like Bush and Trump,ultimately causing harm to everyone they should be stepping up and taking responsibility for putting these frauds in charges,enabling them and their friends to make millions out of the American people while giving very little back.


Because who the fuck derails the most important Security Conferance in the world into a US Culture War kindergarden ? Most people don’t give a fucking damn about their poisonous culture war, pronoums and more (particularly not at the world’s premiere security conferance where the IMPORTANT questions were to be discussed, as in you know, a bit more important than sexual identification and etc.). MAGA and their chosen lepers, that is who truly cares about this.

It’s beyond a joke. It is beyond a nightmare.


This is true but voters are never accountable for their own decisions and priorities. Its very well observed that even for something as discrete as which candidate people voted for within about 2 years you struggle to find samples of people self reporting who they voted for in the last election that are consistent with the results. Its annoying as fuck, but it’s where we are. Voters wanted the Iraq war, and now are totally free to be swayed by arguments based on how bad a decision it was.






Don’t be silly, there’s someone else in this thread who claims they’re not MAGA but care a lot about it.


As I wrote in the German election thread, the arrogance and dishonesty of these cunts is breathtaking, unbearable.

Being lectured on democratic proceedures by guys who are actively working on weakening democracy in their own land. Yeah, that’s really out of Putin’s textbook.


I still can’t fathom how there are some people who don’t believe/realise that the current US government is literally Putler’s puppet. Gabbard for crying ou tloud.


This comes on the day Russian forces target and hits, the sarcophagus of the Chernobyl plant in a drone strike, in an obvious comment to the latest development. And at Munich, Vance did not even mention Ukraine, which is bat shit bonkers.


It went downhill after the first 2 seasons.Still watched it though.

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Really? He’s just an obedient lapdog doing what his master wants.

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Didn’t Henry VIII have syllable?