Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

I watched an interview today (yesterday) by Stephen Sackur (BBC Hardtalk) with the ex Russian ambassador to the UN , which I highly recommend to anyone interested in knowing just how these fuckers think , and also for those who like to see a real journalist who refuses to allow lies to go unchallenged.

In it , and in an almost matter of fact manner , he declared that Russia now considers itself to be in a conflict with the US. Considering that view is most probably shared , but left unspoken , by the current administration in Washington , how is that people like Carlson and the rest of the Trump toadies in the House (and now the Senate) aren’t being called out for what they are , traitors ?

Edit: A piece in the NYT this morning following Carlson’s interview , picks up on the same point.



In the name of all that is holy as well as all that is decidedly daemonic; what is this ?

Do I smell fear ? This is not the normal modus operandi at all. What happened, why not go all out on attack ? He does it to absolutely everyone, Is he trying a new approach, lol :smiley:

This is almost worse than his attacks. Due to his history of all out verbal assault, this reads as…truly pathetic brown-nosing. To think this is the likely new president in the US.


Also, it’s real. I double checked before posting, since it was so way out of character for Spray Tan Caligula

Read it as his tiny fucking mind is still obsessed with celebrities. Elsewhere he was claiming that he had more followers than her.

Regardless of Biden’s travails countering the age concerns , the biggest obstacle to a second term for Trump (besides the court cases) is still the shit that comes out of his own mouth.


He’s so transactional - “I did something so you owe me”. He can’t comprehend that somebody might just not like his policies.
For him it’s all personal.


To the extent that he even believes that the three SC judges that he appointed should always rule in his favour. On that note , his lawyers have to petition them by today’s end to hear his immunity case. I think we can probably (hopefully) expect a meltdown of epic proportions if they decline to do so.

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Don’t have twitter, so can’t see what was said. Can you explain the thread?


Oh dear…

On all fronts…

Let’s all ride Taylor …

Good luck to Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. My wife and daughter went to a concert on her Eras tour and said it was brilliant, in a packed out stadium. Kelce just won the Superbowl with the Chiefs.

I don’t understand the psyop angle.

Young couple (it’s all relative) falling in love? High profile so lots of eyes on them. If it’s the real deal I hope they make it, even with all the pressures that are around them.

What has any of that got to do with Trump? Or Biden for that matter?

Because everything is weaponised nowadays and if you aren’t with us you’re against us.
The political discourse has been reduced to the level of a school playground. If you don’t join our gang you’re a smelly dog. If you don’t tell me I’m great I am, I’ll steal your sweets.
Ya boo you’re a loser, I’m the best and you have to do what I say.

It’s fucking pathetic.


MAGA Republicans are running scared of how powerful a Swift endorsement could be, simply because she reaches a demographic that has relatively low turnout that neither party has been particularly effective at motivating.

That all makes sense… I just wondered if there was something more to this, because it is so pathetic!

Swift is popular, much more than Trump. If he is not disqualified by another means before Election Day, hopefully Swift will speak out, if she doesn’t like what she sees, to help take Trump down.

She is mid 30s and has an army of fans who are of voting age, and obviously younger than that too.

If it is a close race, I would imagine a clear word from Taylor Swift, where she spoke concisely about the sort of country she wants to live in, could mobilize an army of Swifties to tilt any close race to the Democrats.

Of course the Republicans could mobilize some minor country artist if they think it would help :grinning:

When I read Trump’s tweet I smelled fear. Someone is bigger than him, more popular, and has the ability to move a vast crowd that he cannot control, if she chooses to.

He’s shitting himself.

It is bizarre that we are living in a world where a pop star might be consequential to a Presidential election, but I am of the view that defeating Trump is the core objective that simply must happen, and this is not normal politics. So at that point, anything that helps to get the job done is welcome.

Yeah about that…

Simultaneously he “declared war” on Taylor Swift at a recent rally. He’s really a pathetic person.


No thanks.

I’d prefer to not have a No.1 song written about me

If there is one thing more pathetic than Trump’s childish attacks against people he dislikes, it is his fawning star struckness over people who have more star power than he does.

This is dismissive of who she is, what she has done and where her “power” comes from. In an era where recording artists are getting cut out, she is a self made billionaire and is so not because she is a “pop star”, but because she has shown balls of steel and incredible business savvy in dealing with the industry in a way to control back from the labels. Since she left Nashville as a teenager her career has been the definition of standing on your own feet and the importance of self-determination, and after a decade of that, in an era of increasing threats against everyday women’s ability to do that for themselves (not just the abortion issue, but the growing sentiment in normal sections of the right of the desire to return to no fault divorce), she turned overtly political to speak to young women. This is a demo that political discourse tends to ignore, which means the impact of anyone doing it in a meaningful way was always going to have an outsized influence.

I also think it is worth acknowledging that she knew she would become a hate figure for doing so. Given how deranged much of this demographic is it is not an exaggeration to say this decision significantly increased the risk of something bad happening to her. It is well documented that her family pleaded with her to stay out of politics for fear of that happening. She decided that the stakes were too high to stay quiet, and everyone who resonates with the things she says understands that dynamic, which then makes the impact of her speaking out so much greater.





There is also this…

RFK having to apologize to his family for an ad running supporting his candidacy that heavily relied on the Kennedy brand resulting every famous Kennedy speaking out in condemnation of him and the ad for using Bobby and Jack in a campaign they would heartily oppose :joy: