Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

US politics is really hard to keep up with right now. Here’s another development…


Counter point from self identified sensible people “oh, that is so hyperbolic calling them Nazi’s, they havent executed 6 million s jews yet.”


Poisoned while Trump was president and arrested before Biden was inaugurated

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This is one of those stories that makes you question your sanity.

We knew from the Trump extortion call to Zelenskyy that Trump just wanted people in Russia/Ukraine to peddle the line he wanted - that the Bidens were involved in corruption there. We knew then that Rudy was cultivating contacts in Russia to find people willing to play along. The Feds knew about it. They knew the people Rudy was dealing with were at best 1 degree separated from the KGB. This is the basis of the intelligence agencies unusual involvement in warning people about how they handled the Hunter laptop story. Remember, that was never really a story about a laptop, where the existence of a laptop supports the allegations. But how a hostile entity both foreign and domestic was actively involved in smearing a political opponent with false information and how the data they claimed to have obtained from his laptop had unverifiable provenance making it impossible it tell which bits were real and which were false.

Factor in the Biden-Burisma story was always premised on a narrative 180 degrees from what was public record. Firstly, that Biden’s insistence the prosecutor be fired was not his personal take, but something said as the spokesperson for a whole of government position and supported by several multi national organizations. Secondly, that the change in prosecutor was driven by lack of investigation into Burisma.

Basically, the GOP invented a story that was the opposite of what happened. They then actively pursued KGB help to help drop supporting but false information to further their narrative. This was all openly known. This arrest really should not move the needle at all in anyone’s understanding of the story. At best it is the dotting of one of the final Is. But the fact the press are nto covering it like is precisely why the Repiblican response is that they dont care. They’ve already got 4 years of smears out of a known KGB operation that was treat far to credulously than was justified by what was already known about it. Why should they react with anything other than a “who cares” now?


its why the entire republican party needs to be exorcised from the US body politic; via blood, sweat and tears most likely.

You did a nice job of distilling what the Republicans wanted to remain a great convoluted mystery where no-one could ever really know the truth of it all. Apart that is from anyone who isn’t a complete fucking moron and was able to look at this thing objectively from the outset and determine that it was all stagecraft.

Like you said , they don’t care. There will be no repercussions for them because their speech is protected and because the base will believe their lies time after time.

We should always be reminded of these immortal words of Trump’s ;

“Just say it was corrupt and leave the rest to us.”

Some welcome light relief from the inimitable John Stewart here , who devotes a segment to Tucker Carlson’s almost surreal love-in with Vladimir Putin and the rest of his Russian pilgrimage.

Laugh out loud funny , Stewart is merciless in his skewering of Carlson. At one point , accusing him of knowingly (gasp) pushing a narrative devoid of context , he says ; “Here’s the reality , you fucking know all this because you aren’t as dumb as your face would have us believe.” :joy:

This is about much more than the upcoming election and it’s about much more than Trump. This is a major battle for US democracy. If a president is allowed to incite insurrection with impunity, the system becomes a dictatorship.
That’s what is at stake here.


It always raises an important question, if the Republicans think that the president should be all powerful, then surely it’s within Biden’s rights to declare permanent martial law?

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Logic and reason don’t compute with those deplorables.

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Also, by the way, the SC would be making themselves irrelevant. If a president has legal immunity, (s)he can override anything the court decides.

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Florida is already a shithole poisoned by deplorables, but it’s heading toward third world status:


They’ve known this guy is a nutjob for a long time now. How the fuck is he still in post ?


Just picked my daughter up last night as she flew back from a FL weekend trip to see college friends, go to the beach, and is now back home to go to work. We will do a family holiday to FL in summer, beaches, pool, sunshine, seafood, unwind and unplug.

That’s the Florida I experience, but I appreciate it is far removed from the culture war Florida, from De Santis on down, that is whackadoodle crazy.

This is the great irony of living in America. The scenery and places are incredible. Beaches, mountains, cities, the lot. Various subcultures, great food, art, theater, music, sports, education… it’s all here. Anything you could want.

And yet, the country is doing its best to go backwards.

There is a shitty culture war and an ominous them and us narrative towards any perceived outsider. The politics and the media have poisoned the place.


SC restores Trump to the Colorado ballot. I guess states’ rights only matter for the right to oppress minorities and deny women freedoms.


These people only ever half believe their nonsense, but that doesnt mean there isnt something else they believe in strongly they are working towards while using this nonsense as a weapon to get there.

That genuine core issue in this case? Public education. A lot of the current battle lines were drawn when the courts desegregated schools and while its stretch to think that is the goal, its all still related. There are several angles that all coalesce together in this argument

  • The most reliable block of GOP voters want to be freed from the constricts of a standard curriculum that does not advance their world view (Jesus. A white-focused, God-favoured America).
  • They have big donors who would financially benefit from the expansion of private education. Or even the quasi-private institutions of charter schools (kind of state funded, but not state run).
  • Doubling down on the lack of equality in education helps lock in, or reestablish the natural order of white rich people staying on top. It has been the fear of losing this social order that is driven so much of the angst in our politics since the 70s.

We have already seen in Florida a redirection of public money towards private schools with a really controversial voucher program. The argument was essentially that religiously motivated people are paying for school twice (once through taxes and once through their fees for their private religious school) and so have been getting rebates to help pay for the cost of education. Friends of mine whose 2 kids are in catholic school here in Orlando received $8k last year for a decision they had already committed to making. So the point of this, and the public health based attacks, are to drain the public schools of both money and credibility to the point the system becomes untenable and the “free market” is then forced to come in and save it. This is course one of Betsy De Vos’ ventures, which explains part of her tight relationship with the De Santis crew. And of course, everything ties back to dipship #1


The choice is so clear. Yes, Biden is old and past it, and uninspiring because of it.

But Trump simply must be stopped at the ballot box, and hopefully the more he speaks the more he mobilizes people to do just that.


Sinema has officially dropped out of her race for reelection. Dems already had a much better candidate representing the party in the election, but her insistence on trying to run again even without the support of her party made the race a real toss up. Gallego has to be a big favourite now :metal:


Defund the Police is a bad message for the Democra…
