Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

Fuck sake…this is a perfect illustration of the above


This guy was convicted of crimes related to Russian interference in the election, while formulating a plan to get Ukraine to hand over the lands Russian were then compelled to try to take with force. He is only free now because Trump pardoned him, and did so as a carrot to prevent/reward him for not cooperating and incriminating Trump personally. That is a flagrant violation of the pardon powers. Having him anywhere near Trump’s campaign now should be disqualifying, if only for the lack of understanding of how terrible the optics are. But it wont be because the average person still doesnt really understand the Russian 2016 story despite how much coverage how it got.

EDIT Dont know why the link is showing a preview, but the story is Trump is being reported as bringing Manafort back into his campaign.

This was unexpectedly timely, but Chris’ guest in this interview describes exactly this problem.

I think the conversation is a really interesting one in general, but around 42 minute mark the guest starts talking about the general disagreement in the Evangelical church with Trump on immigration. He talks about his conversations at Eagle Pass Texas, the center of the “border crisis”, with various evangelicals who had gone there to offer aid to whomever needed it. He questions people about how they can continue to support Trump given his wretched attitude to immigrants, people their faith tells them are important to offer aid to. The conversation:

“He doesnt speak badly of immigrants. He married one”
describes Trump’s recent “poisoning our blood” comment
“He didnt say that.”
Pulls up stories quoting him saying it
“I dont believe that. That is just someone saying he said it.”
Shows him video of Trump actually saying it
“That was just one time. That is not what he meant”

I dont believe he said it. Ok, he said it, but it wasnt what he meant. Ok, he meant it that day, but it is not what he’ll think tomorrow. That is the real knot to untie with Trump voters. Of course many of them love his awfulness, but the bigger issue is how many of his supporters have formed a completely make believe version of him.

The obstacle to overcome to get someone who voted for him twice to accept reality is a tough one, but it cannot be done if everyone pretends this demographic doesn’t exist, and the only way to do it is to speak clearly and repeatedly about who trump is, what he has done and what he wants to do.


With respect LS, the people I was referencing aren’t Maga types, they are old school Reps who may have voted for Trump in '16 because he was the party’s candidate and his true nature was not yet evident, but who have subsequently been turned off, especially by Jan 6th. Romney and Chaney may have been neutralised, but that wing does exist and they are less likely to hold their noses and vote with every deranged soundbite.

Incidentally, concerning covid, the wife of the guy from Ohio is a nurse, and she said that after Trump’s bleach suggestion there were patients coming in and demanding the injection.

All anecdotal, of course, but shocking for outsiders none the less.

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No, I understand your point. Your story just gave me a launch ramp to go off on something I’ve been increasingly bothered about the last several weeks with the “baked in” perspective.

I think these people you are talking about are different in degree rather than in kind from the people I described. It was apparent already in 2016 who Trump was - violent racist rhetoric against immigrants, casting baseless accusations about election integrity, patently knowing nothing about anything he was required to have an opinion on. So for anyone who voted for him even then there was a significant element of wish-casting, of pretending he was the person they imagined in their head rather than the person he showed repeatedly who he was. But they came around at some point.

My point is I think a much bigger portion of the Trump “base” than is commonly appreciated are similar. Even if most of them are further down the rabbit hole and harder to reach. And more so, these people need to create a positive feedback loop because the people like them who can be reached are far more likely to have that happen from fellow Trump 2016 voters than from someone like me they will immediate sus as one of the “bad guys”.

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Yes, there is a large group of Maga or die types, who will never be converted back to sanity no matter what happens as you say. I don’t know how large that group is, 25-30% maybe? They seem a lot because they are so vocal and they religiously attend rallies and so on.
Usually, post primaries, the candidates will start to move to the centre to try to appeal to the middle ground, but Trump doesn’t seem to be doing that, and it’s debatable whether he has the humility and self discipline to do it. Hopefully he’ll continue to rant at his base and insult everyone else.
It’s a very long time until November though, and there will be unprecedented levels of chicanery in the meantime no doubt.
The feeling outside the US is pessimistic, but there are signs of hope I think.

Fuck I’d somehow blanked out the “lock her up” basis of his 2016 campaign.

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There are some oddballs always around. Even in India , you’ve had some people criticizing Modi etc. But when it’s time for elections , they do end up voting for him.

Same goes for any republican who claims to be anti-Trump , You don’t trust that they actually do what they claim.

No, I know this guy well enough. He’s a very solid and moral person, a conservative in the old sense. Trump is an affront to his values.
He may abstain, but he won’t vote Trump.
Maybe he’s completely unique, but I have a feeling there are others of his ilk out there.

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I do think Trump will be beaten , and beaten rather convincingly.

But it’s fun to see my friends and family who are US citizens get crazy at the thought that he is coming to power.

All the time that US ended up propping up weak leaders and dictators etc etc in other countries , it’s probably karma now.



I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite so ghoulish as Kushner saying the waterfront property in Gaza could be quite valuable.



It’s horrible, but in its own way it is a moment of honesty from a member of the elite ruling class. Take the Gaza strip in the name of Zionism. Rebuild. $$$ Hotels. $$$ Condos $$$ Beaches. $$$ to be made every step of the way.

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Reading the Guardian article, I could visualise him as if casually talking about some vacant property, not a place where nearby 32000 people have been killed. Pure evil.


His idea of property development is to borrow money from the saudis in exchange for political influence, and then use that money to build in areas supported by regimes that we are doing favours for in exchange for personal enrichment of his father in law.

Its fucking gross, but the worst part is he thinks he’s an actual developer.


Zionism is fascism.

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Jared Kushner is an ‘Orthodox Jew’ and apparently an extreme zionist. He even looks like he could be cast as a member of the SS.

Why the fuck hasn’t the Democrat controlled Senate opened hearings into his $2bn bribe from the Saudis , bearing in mind that the Republican controlled House have done nothing but conduct sham hearings into Biden’s son , who wasn’t even a public figure ?


The Democrats didn’t prosecute Kushner because they didn’t want to annoy the Saudis.

“MSNBC is just the liberal Fox News”


She is a Trump sycophant who participated in chasing non-MAGA republicans out of the party and even dropped her father’s last name because Trump didnt like Romney. She was active participant in Jan6th and all the obfuscation that came afterwards. She has absolutley nothing of value to add and is someone who be shunned from polite society.

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The next domino


Buck alluded to there being more resignations coming, potentially robbing the party of control of the House. Gallagher is definitely in the group you would have imagined was frustrated by the things Buck has already spoken about. It therefore probably relevant that resignation is abrupt, but still delayed enough to delay triggering special election to replace him. The timing of his exit means his seat will not go unfilled until the end of this congressional cycle.