Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

Fucking hell…

It has honestly been years since I thought about this ghoul…

What a way to launch her back into my consciousness.



My AP app sent me a notification that he was recommended for release by the parole board. Would be interesting to see the reason.

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They reexamined the evidence used to convict him on the recommendation of Abbott and have recommended the conviction in an Austin court be nullified. The politics in play is that stand your ground laws should not be able to ignored by a commie progressive Austin prosecutor, because that is not how Texas Texases.


Of course, a parole board has absolutely no standing to re-examine evidence in order to determine guilt. They are at root an administrative body.


Been reading a bit about this case. The fella was an unhinged racist. Shame on Abbott.

Two of their esteemed Supreme Court Justices find themselves in the news again this week. If Biden were to be re-elected , then the first thing he should do is expand the court to nullify the cabal of christian nationalist extremists that now hold sway.

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The most fascinating thing about the Alito flag thing is it took 4 years to become public knowledge, and it took an absolute pitbull of an investigative journalist (Jodie Kantor is one of the two NYT journos who put their career on the line to get the Weinstein stories to the point they were legally untouchable and able to be published) to uncover what was public information.

WTF are we doing here?

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Normalising the behaviour of SC judges that could reasonably be described as seditious were anybody else to engage in it.

Why hasn’t the Democrat controlled Senate opened a hearing into the behaviour of these two ?

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Ramaswamy basically had it coming when he nodded along to her comment about blacks.

Indian wannabes ain’t a patch on the real deal supremacists.

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The fascinating thing is Alito’s explanation presents it as a response to anti-trump signage in his neighborhood, but thinks he is making an argument about reacting to a lack of decorum of his neighbors. That inability to logically connects dots in an argument is why he’s simply a bad judge without even considering the awful political motivations of his reasoning.


A SC Justice should have some basic rules around what they can do, as their job is so serious. It would certainly cover, and prohibit, things like the Alito flag, as well as the shenanigans of Clarence Thomas, both in accepting gifts from billionaires who want favors, and having an activist wife engaged in things that you are supposed to be ruling on.

There doesn’t seem to be any standard of behavior.

Obviously Trump has been ducking and diving his whole life. He is conman, a crass man, more akin to a mobster than a President. It is appalling that he has gone so far and not been checked.

But over in another branch of government, the judicial side, it shouldn’t be too much to ask for some grown ups who are able to uphold standards.

Whole thing is a shit show, and we are in the final days of the Roman Empire here.


‘a vast right wing conspiracy’ - Hillary was right all along. The astounding thing now is that a majority of justices on the Supreme Court are unabashed , and unrepentant , about also being a part of it.


Yeah. What was that about ‘Deep State’?


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Lauren Boebert criticising Biden for not being able to speak…

“I haven’t seen Joe Biden even read a telepomp, prompter, poperly, properly” :joy:

Nice Job Lauren :rofl:


Last week she stated that Trump had been tested for his cognitive dissonance :neutral_face:

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There is a story doing the rounds this week that is the perfect encapsulation of the way scandals are created from whole cloth in the RW information sphere.

The scandal - the Biden admin attempted to have Trump assassinated as part of the “raid” on Mar A Lago. The evidence for their outrage is the search warrant included a statement about the authorization of the use of deadly force if required. This is boilerplate language for this sort of warrant and the search was executed when they knew Trump was not there. You have to be genuinely stupid to buy the Right’s outrage on this, and it is such a stupid issue to try to present as a scandal that doing so should critically damage the reputation of anyone in a position of authority doing so. But there are no negative consequences and they know it. The worst that can happen is no one pretends to believe them, it gets no traction and so in a week they have dropped it and moved on to the next made up scandal. This repeats, 4, 5, 6…however many times is needed until someone in the mainstream press who knows they are lying nevertheless pretends to believe them and covers the story to maintain their appearance of objectivity. Hey presto a lying liar who lies just laundered a completely fake scandal into the mainstream press coverage


The press HAS to impose reputational penalties for doing shit like this.


Biden needs to have a chat with Putin, if you want to assasinate someone you through them out a window from a building they are acctually in! :rofl:

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