Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

From this

to, “so, I found a dead bear by the side of the road…”


I’m nor sure I want to live in a world where ‘pedophile catch party’ is a thing…

Is that where you go to your local Republican Party meetings?

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Nothing else screams “my penis is very big” aside from coal-rolling and book-banning, especially books written by women.

The article doesn’t give the reason why these books have been banned. Any more info on that?

1, Utah
2, Mentions of sex mainly I think.


It’s not an organic thing. There are a couple of RW organizations that publish lists of “objectionable books” and then ideologues go around school districts, most often not even parents of children in those districts, and just cross reference the lists against what is on curricula or available in the library.

There is a bizarre element of this that in Utah the legal age for marriage is 16 with parental approval and it is not uncommon for that to happen, but 18 year olds are not allowed to read about books that include thoughts of fucking.

This is a good and timely episode about it


and that is just for your first wife! Second one and on it is 14 years old


This is terrifying as this has happened at the same time the consumers have had significantly worse experiences. It’s an essential market where everyone is losing




That’s because to some of these people, women/girls are just property and not actual people with actual feelings and actual desires.

Women who have desires are going straight to hell


Some of the best images of this Olympics has been in the women’s gymnastics. Its just been scene after scene of incredible sportsmanship, mutual respect, and camaraderie. Brazil have a gymnast who just has the damn luck of competing at the same time as Biles, and so her greatness is not as reflected by her medal count as her talent warrants. So when she beat Biles into Silver in the floor, the Americans, including Biles, responded to that with this incredible gesture

Cue soft bellied RWers frothing at it being unamerican. This is the stew from which JD Vance was born. It’s just a never ending stream of grievance at women and black people having the temerity to be visible.



I saw Andrade finish runner up in one of the rounds last week (floor exercise?) where her routine was pretty breathtaking.


She also got robbed in her balance beam routine, an Italian won when her routine and execution was pretty visibly worse than Andrade’s. Andrade went last, right after Biles fell, and was inexplicably given 4th place.


Matt Walsh is just a straight forward Nazi who uses religion as a mask for his extremism.

A friend of mine, nice guy, got into my car a few months ago and completely put of nowhere said “I just got finished watching this Matt Walsh video about trans”. I was like what the fuck mate you need to improve your online viewing habits.


I read Limie’s post and was about to respond exactly like this.

Matt Walsh…eek…what a fucking turd that cunt is.

Oh yeah he’s a total chud. But he is, amazing for someone so dumb, a thought leader in the movement so representative of what a lot of RW grievance merchants are saying.