Is there any truth behind that, or is it just smearing? I take it that he hasn’t been condemned for that? I’m genuinely interested, as I’d have never heard of him before.
He was investigated by the FBI by sex trafficking minors across statelines. As part of the investigation it was made public that he was sending money on venmo to someone who would then send the same amount to teen aged girls.
Gaetz was named alongside Joel Greenberg, who was sentenced to eleven years in prison.
No charges were brought eventually against Gaetz - the DOJ did not say why but the theory is that their key witness, his ex-girlfriend, would not be seen as credible.
I would love to hear a single defence of this nomination by Trump. We have people on here like @LuisSuarez and @Nobluff - genuinely, please, tell me your honest thoughts on this man being placed in charge of the Justice Department. Even apart from being a paedo, tell me a single thing this man has done that has positively contributed to this country?
I might add that my use of the word paedophile is probably incorrect, as that applies to prepubescent children. I don’t think there has been any of that, but underage girls is another matter, and there has been lots of smoke around that, along with trafficking.
There is a lot more nastiness to the man than just this aspect, terrible as it is.
The women in question refused to cooperate. The rest of the evidence was still strong, but was deemed too difficult to bring a case on just documents when the only witnesses are either already perjured (in Greenburg’s case) or uncooperative, especially when the subject of the case is a politician who can and will claim “lawfare”.
In addition, the GOP led house were running a separate non-legal investigation into it that was due to be publicly released on Friday. The fact he has now resigned his office with immediate effect in preparation for becoming AG (something he doesn’t remotely need to do), prevents the publication of that report because he is no longer a member of the house.
It’s called Ephebophilia - but, as some random stand up comedian I saw said, the reason we don’t normally differentiate between them is because it is very hard to explain the difference between a pedophile and a ephebophile without sounding like a pedophile.
His dad was powerful in local Florida politics, which is an incredibly swampy and corrupt thing. He has lived his whole life being an utter piece of shit while yelling “you can’t touch me, do you know who my daddy is.” He is a grown man baby who has learned only 1 lesson in his entire life - when you are close to power you can do anything you want.
Even the Republicans in congress despise him, but there is reporting today of growing acceptance among them of this being a fight that isnt worth having. It only takes a few of them to make this non-viable, but banking on Murkowski and/or Collins to live up to their reputations is a position that will see you lose a LOT of money on before you win a bet.
This is moronic. The thought experiment says absolutely nothing at all about addressing the challenge he says is important to address. It is a moron’s interpretation of how a smart person thinks.
Back in the day Les Dawson had a popular bit in which he played the piano badly. But he didnt just mash at the keys, he would play it close enough to be familiar with some purposeful screw ups, and that required him to actually be able to play it well. I am not sure if that is what Vivek does with his intellectualization or if he is a moron.
NYT have published a series of comments from “late deciding voters” on why they voted the way they did and its a mind bendingly absurd series of comments.
Comment: I decided to vote for Trump after her Whos the Daddy podcast appearance because I found it insulting she would avoid real interviews with CNN and Fox to do these puff pieces Reality: She literally did those sessions as well, including a much covered Fox one while Trump repeatedly cancelled on any MSM outlet that was not Fox
Comment: I voted for Trump after Rogan. He just seemed more real and was something she wouldnt have been able to do. She was too interested on going on CNN Realty: WTF
Comment: When I had my last child I had a medical issue and received the medical treatment I needed. It offended me to see the lies about what women in my position would be subjected to under abortion bans Reality: You live in a state (VA) without a restrictive abortion ban. Critically, your son was actually born. You did not need the fetus to be removed in an attempt to save your life and so even if you were in a state with restrictions you would not have been subject to those
The times published all of these without comment or contextualization.
I am reading Karl Ove Knausgaard’s Morgenstjernen right now (Morningstar). Almost finished, just 60 pages left.
The novel has 666 pages. You follow 9 different characters, all of them struggling with something, some of them very unsympathetic people with grave personality flaws. Drama unfolds, some of it supernatural. It is very well written and the first book in a series.
Now, I know all this is so unrelated to the topic that it would make a harsh moderator sneer and reach for his banhammer, but I feel the information I just gave is still more sensible than what Void-Skull said in that interview. American politics is Supernatural these days in any case…
People who like to read books, could do far worse than to read this one tbh
There is a saying “If you want to appear smart, surround yourself with fools”
Guess it also transpires, " If you want to appear as just an innocent criminal, surround yourself with the worst of the worst"