NYT published piece yesterday of an 18 month old conversation with Project 2025 guy and new border Czar where he talks clearly and openly about how draconian and harsh their immigrant crack down plans will be. Family separatation, denaturalization, “camps”…all unambiguously acknowledged as part of the plan.
People are losing their minds they waited until yesterday to publish it and the push back from the primary author has been confusion at what the problem is because they published excerpts from it in summer 2023 as part of a different story.
It is a perfect illustration of why the press dont understand how they failed so badly. One of the open questions in the last month of the election was who was right between the people who knew who Homan was, knew he would get a key role in the immigration plans, and knew what he was saying vs those who said “nuh uh, didnt happen.” The NYT were surely aware of that but chose to wait until a week after the election to help people get the clarity they wanted. This is the point. It is not about whether they publish isolated stories that make clear who and what Trump is. It is that they are only isolated and the rest of their coverage, stuff that is ambiguous over those questions, drowns out the bits that make it clear.
Jesus this is pathetic. Polis is considered one of the real stars of the Dem bench, but this fawning nonsense shows you how precarious the Dem coalition is. You cannot win in CO without appealing to the crunchies, and that requires giving a pass to non regulated commercial food production (raw milk) and personal choice in matters of public health (vaccine mandates) https://x.com/jaredpolis/status/1857173250586911189
He tried to walk it back a bit, but even that double down on pseudoscience and conspiracy theories. There can be no science based concern about “pesticides” sufficient to justify not giving a vigorous rejection of Kennedy for this role.
A MAGA radical pervert who has been personally close enough to Trump through his worst times that lots of people were expecting to be rewarded with a big role in intelligence or law enforcement role, but someone most of MAGA reject. Of course they dont reject him because of his interest in underage boys, but because he’s indian and looks like a terrorist.
We dont understand the details, but some guy who might lead a department we dont remember the name of has said Flouride in the water is government overreach so we’re going to move as quickly as possible to eliminate it.
Well, this fucking sucks. Covid broke us in ways we’re struggling to come to terms with
Some people I spoke to were hopeful that NIH and FDA were a level enough removed from control of HHS that Kennedy wouldnt be able to fuck it up that bad. But this is a guy who shares lots of Kennedy’s anti science takes inserted directly into the NIH and has the sheen of his credentials (although neither clinical not scientific) and academic post that it make harder than with Kennedy to argue to neutrals that he is a crank riding the RW grift train who should not be taken seriously.
This is ridiculous, but dentists around the country will be over the moon.Research done here many years ago showed a significant improvement in teeth generally, and most certainly in children,after fluoride was added to the water, to remove it would likely start a revolution, but then, that appears to be Drumps motive.
Meanwhile the lying fascist and his cult: “We’ve never heard of Project 2025. And even if we have, we would never implement it. And even if we did, we’d never say we’ve heard of it.”
The perfect illustration of the moral licensing of the right wing’s awfulness - “I cheated on multiple of my wives because I have such a commitment to family values”