Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

But Trump is only concerned with illegal immigration…

  • policies that failed to address border crossings
  • policies that deemphasized criminality in prioritizing removal
  • plugged up the legal immigration pathway in multiple ways

These conversations arent about differences of opinion, they are about people refusing to familiarize themselves with what Trump has already done and relating that to the various things he and his people are saying they intend to do this time around.


No but you see he did it to own the libs!

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The party of “OK, groomer” obsessed with protecting their kids

  • Trump: Ok, this is too long to cover, but in short - ZEpstein + determined rapist in court
  • Hegseth: accused rapist
  • Gaetz: known sex pest and accused by multiple people of being involved in sex trafficking of minors and actively engaged in a plot to cover up evidence of it
  • McMahan: being investigated for covering up child sex abuse in her organization

But it’s not just these Trump connected people. It’s goes right through the heart of the party - x.com


This is one to keep an eye on for horseshoe theory advocates



Hello !

Me and my girlfriend just went for a little walk 10 min ago and across the path in front of my nose, ran the rather huge mother of this guy/gal in resplendent winter cammo. Kept a bit of distance when I noticed the calf. Mother unfortunately hidden behind some trees.

Anyway, I was thinking… Secretary of Nature in the new government ? Because why not, that guy knows nature Big Time; better than you’ve ever seen before. No one has ever known nature like that elk.


This is hysterical that someone can present this view JFK Jr as a “you take the good with the bad” and not as utterly disqualifying. But this is what post-covid era conservative aligned “heterodox” thinking gets you - Effective treatments are bad because of an misunderstanding of the risk-benefit balance, but ineffective natural treatments are good because at least big pharma is getting paid (for you dying due to lack of access to effective treatments)


Some of these people are morons. Some of these people, including Vinay, are not though, they are just so committed to the bit they cannot help themselves but argue the inarguable.



I think they’ve got that job covered sadly.

You can be secretary of board games though!

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Note the statement - "The transition team cannot use secure federal email servers”


Sebastian Stan plays a young Trump in a film about Roy Cohn called “the Apprentice”. It was wellr regarded on the festival circuit, but struggled to get a release in the US because of political concerns. It is not a hit piece about Trump per se, but is clear about what a PoS Cohn was and his role in mentoring the younger Trump.

This is just a single example of how the industry as a whole is now just Kowtowing to Trump


Funnily enough, I heard TYT was having some money issues before their rightward lean. Either that or something in the water there; they did spit out Dore and Rubin.


I have to say I am perversely impressed at Trump’s nominations so far. I sort of expected some bad highlights, but inevitably some adults would find their way into the room. So far the only one that is not a recipe for incompetent drift but with fireworks is Lutnick. He is just garden-variety controversial, although the company he keeps now makes me wonder if he isn’t in fact nuts.


But cancel culture is bad amirite???


So seeing these appointments, I wonder if @LuisSuarez is still celebrating? Linda McMahon’s selection as a secretary of education was truly inspiring.

It sure made me laugh.


As a non-white MAGA voter gets taken away in the Project 2025 van to be dropped off at the Poject 2025 camp they yell at one of the other prisoners complaining about Trump being a fascist, “you libs are just hysterical. Stop your gaslighting. Trump has said he doesnt know anything about Project 2025. I mean he was president before and he didnt create concentration camps then”


This is from a former instructor of mine from the FDA

The FDA already had a high number of retirement age employees and since the election the number of staff who have started the process has been so big that it has broken the Office of Personnel Management who are no longer even able to take calls they are so underwater trying to respond.


Goodbye expertise.


It won’t be needed at the FDA anymore anyway. Just use chloroquine or bleach, both are equally sound.


Dont forget the internal body torch

They’ll have to be careful with the brand name though

Me talking to a friend last week about her using Ivermectin to treat some shit, I dont remember exactly what because I’d kind of turned out - "why are you taking Ivermectin for that?
Her: It worked for Covid so why wouldnt it work for this
Me: That is not how medicine works. That’s not how any of this works
Her: That’s what they said about Covid


This is the big tell that P2025 is actually being implemented


This was the P2025 author the WAPO profiled a year or so ago who described his vision for Trump’s second term as “post-constitutional”