Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

A heap of testosterone i bet which is another fascinating view into the rabbit hole of his mind.


Someone else commented that pic is reminiscent of the scene where Homelander made the Deep eat his octopus friend :joy:

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Marty Makary named as head of the FDA, a bizarrely normal choice. So normal lots of MAGA are reacting badly to trump nominating a “covidian”.


It’s as though the Orange Tornado is surrounding himself by plebs just to prevent a coup happening - on his watch now, or during the next four years when new candidate should happen - Will need more than a crowbar or stick of dynamite to get him out of the WH… Pine box might be the only way this horrible fucker vacates the seat

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It’s a weird thing that Trump does, to force you to his will.

RFK commented on what Trump eats, making a joke at his expense, and he is on the record as saying fast food is poison.

So Trump essentially forces a Big Mac down his throat to show him who the boss is.

All the late night hosts over here had a good laugh at showing the RFK clip, where he joked about Trump’s diet, and then cutting to RFK with a sour face on the plane, being forced to eat junk food.


The tiny awkward guy with glasses at the back, obviously.
You know, the guy who thinks God prepared him to be a “new Moses”.

The Lord told him to buy cheeseburgers, simply. And if the lord tells you to buy cheeseburgers, then you buy cheeseburgers. Makes sense.

And the Lord told me very clearly to prepare. OK, prepare for what? I don’t know. “We’re coming to a McDonald’s moment.” “What does that mean, Lord?”
I started praying more about that. And the Lord began to wake me up through this three-week process we were in, in the middle of the night, and to speak to me. And [I began] to write things down, plans and procedures and ideas on how we could move the resturant queue forward. I assumed the Lord was going to feed a new Moses. And “Oh, thank you, Lord: You’re going to allow me to be Aaron to Moses.”

“Only God saw the path through the roiling sea of the resturant queue,” he concluded.

All of them bar one is on double burgers and fries. Fat fucks.

Nope. Just Trump.

The other two are having Chicken McNuggets. Obviously.

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Ah protein goals

To be fair, there have been a lot of inept rulers in the past as well. Those who actually brought something positive are few and far between…

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But we aren’t talking about TAN mods. :wink:


I’m totally inept as everyone knows, but shhh… :no_mouth:


Say what you will about Elon’s politics, but at least he is for free speech and allowing people to post who disagree with the “party line” unlike before like with Hunter’s Laptop



This shit is absurd. Add in the refusal to do FBI background checks on any of his nominees that need senate confirmation and it’s just wild.


Again, this is a man, who had been charged with stealing classified material with suspicion of having shared it inappropriately, who came to power the first time around with a promise to “drain the swamp” and due to concerns of the other candidate’s lax approach to national security. The whole thing is a joke. Nothing matters. Logical connections between ideas does not exist. Words are pointless.


by James Bosworth. He is not from Delphi, but he is also not a fool.


Not sure if we have had this classic yet…

Sorry if it’s locked. Same story is on Reuters too.


How fascism works…


It makes me wonder. If I was a Tesla/SpaceX shareholder I would already have been very displeased with his distractions, even prior to all the Twitter stuff, let alone the political shit, and now this too…


That’s your takeaway?

What about the federal employees who fear for their jobs and their safety due to the reckless action of an unelected power crazed bully?

What about the complete destruction of the checks and balances of government?

Fuck the shareholders.

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No, I’m just making that simple observation, because I think other people will contribute those other points.

To me it either says that the shareholders all buy into the cult of Musk, or that they think the companies are better off for not having him around.