And that’s the difference between him and us. He doesn’t look at ordinary people, he sees the bigger picture. A critical skill in government. Sacking 200 people frees up Z billions to be better used elsewhere, crack on.
Thats not true at all.
A big proprtion of the UK population drool over support for the Royals who never had to work for anything.
Doubling down on homophobia, wow.
And you call me a troll.
Yep I’m out.
Going to take my usual advice to everyone else:
Sorry for cluttering up the thread.
In a long history of spouting bollocks, this is the most nonsensical shite yet.
Welcome to my ignore list, I am sure you don’t give two shits, but I do not care to read your rubbish anymore.
I get the irony of me saying that, but here we are.
I liked Musk years ago. Then the more I saw the more I was unimpressed with the man. He’s a shit bully.
Of course he is clever. Like many people, who are not handed hundreds of millions in privilege to start off. As for being self made, nope, not quite. Besides the inheritance someone calculated the hundreds of millions in government subsidies and aid he benefitted from as a younger entrepreneur, to help him succeed. Ironically once he didn’t need it, he started acting more anti-government and more self-made narcissist.
At present he enjoys billions in government contracts. He is sucking off the government tit at a rate that is many orders of magnitude greater than any unfortunate low income person who needs assistance to be able to make it through the month.
I don’t like the fella. And in a Mano et Mano sort of way, he’s a shithouse. He challenged Zuckerberg to a fight, Zuckerberg accepted, then Musk downplayed it and backed out, even as he enjoys a massive height, weight and reach advantage.
Leaving all the big stuff aside - companies, wealth, intelligence… let’s relate his life to an average person. How has he done with one of life’s core assignments/privileges? How has he done as a husband, and as a father?
Yep, he’s a twat.
Ironically, one of his early targets is a climate technology office that made a ludicrous $10M investment in developing lithium-ion battery technology in some no-mark deadend company called Tesla.
He is an irredeemable twat. Always has been.
He is a success if that is measured on a bean counter abacus only… as a good human being, and the traits expected from that, nah, he can’t be considered a success at all - we only have to ask his daughter for confirmation of that
Same daughter he hasn’t banned off X who rips him to pieces regularly? Bloody echo chamber
I take it all back, Dad of the year candidate for sure.
I don’t believe his parenting skills are the issue here. Or lack thereof.
If we are trying to get the measure of the man, it’s a factor. If he is more of a feral shagger than Boris Johnson, siring kids by the dozen and then disregarding them, I agree that it says nothing about his intelligence or business acumen, but it does tell us something important about the man.
It’s a mark of the dishonesty of the argument being made that being a terrible father, someone who goes out of his way to make the life of his kids worse, is dismissed as a reason for people not liking him
Rule number one: don’t give a flying fuck.
Rule number two: don’t forget rule number one
Jesus wept…
That’s nothing, have you seen who the new ambassador to France is?
I think the head of the FBI has more potential to fuck up the US and to tighten the Maga grip on power than the Ambassador in Paris.
Oh my bad, I thought we were just talking about incompetence/corruption.