Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

Never gave me any shares did he?

Do you have charitable status?

Jesus H Christ,how the hell do people,get by, think we saw the answer with Covid,and it wasnā€™t pretty.
Glad I live in Aust,now.

I am very charitable. Ask the missus :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Itā€™s also completely absurd. Isnā€™t the stop-start nature of mail delivery best suited to electric vehicles?

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Didnā€™t the milk floats all used to be electricā€¦ cadging a lift to school on one of them used to take an ageā€¦ all the stop/startingā€¦
Were quiet when moving though


Not only that, but sustainable energy, without the eco-destructive use of fossil fuels. A couple things that fit into the US right wingā€™s woke ideology.

Never ceases to amaze me how so many here platform for things that are destructive to their, and their familyā€™s, well being. I have always decried our society as the ā€œconvenience societyā€, but the self absorption is deep rooted as well. Greed, greed, greedā€¦whatever is good for me, could give a fuck about anyone else.


Oil companies are very rich and very powerful. They have bought the Republican Party and this is part of the payback.


Neoliberalism in action.


Ex Goldman CEO and still current chairman waits until after the election to raise the concern about Trumpā€™s economic ideas that were all apparent even before the election



House Dems with a somewhat encouraging response to the last election

In response to the very clear problem of leadership simply being too old, Hakim Jefferies made clear he would not oppose committee leadership challenges. Several senior leaders have willingly stepped aside to facilitate the change. So far Connelly has not joined in, but in now making it official she is running for his oversight committee position, AOC is unlikely to have done this without counting her votes first. Dont be surprised to see Connelly step aside soon



I guess having Raskin and AOC as the Dem chairs on the two most important committees to oversee Trumps shenanigans is a good thing, but will they be able to actually do anything about it is another matter entirely.

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Yeah, it is not going to be able to directly do much as there is only so much you can do when youā€™re in the minority. But I think committees are increasingly becoming little else but vehicles for propaganda, and if that is the way it is, then these are probably the best two communicators in the house in the two most important committees. Fingers crossed Connelly steps aside without a fight.


Whoā€™s Connelly?

EDIT: Are you referring to Gerry Connolly - Wikipedia

Yeah. Heā€™s good as far as it goes, and is one of the few of the current leadership who Iā€™d be confident of in setting the right tone, but heā€™s in his 70s. If one of the lessons of this election is that the party as a whole is too old and needs younger ideas, then he needs to step aside when there is someone so ascendant as AOC putting her hand up for his leadership role


Profit you dork. (Not you @Limiescouse)

Similarly, this is the board the Republicans want to dissolve becauseā€¦opposing things that make industry accountable for fucking the customer is populism?



Look itā€™s obviously oppressing the freedom of red-blooded American citizens to be scammed by businessesā€¦ You woke lefty snowflake liberal commies wouldnā€™t get it


All the racists, homophobes and misogynists will be crawling out of the woodwork now that Trump is back.