Drill Baby Drill...the US Politics Thread (Part 2)

The response, or the response to the response, has been completely bizarre. What I have seen is firstly an outpouring of the sort of sentiment you describe - “I dont advocate murder, but I cannot say Im surprised given what I know about people’s experience with health insurance companies”. I mean rage and anger at their callous money grubbing is established enough there was a Denzel film about this sort of thing 20 years ago.

But there is a high profile segment of the professional serious opinion haver community who seem insistent that these sorts of comments are 1) deranged celebrations of murder, and 2) a niche lefty position of people who cannot help themselves but speak politically damaging ideas.

It’s wild how disconnected the reaction to the reaction has been because you say anger at insurance companies is as close to a 70% issue as you can get in this country. I wonder if part of this is it happening so soon after the election, with lots of fights still ongoing about whose fault the loss was, that these serious opinion havers who live to punch left just cannot get their brains to process to process any issue in any other way right now? It’s like someone being asked what they want for dinner and the response is “see, that’s the problem with your lefties. It’s why your people cannot win elections.”



I’ve always liked Civ 5 more, but interesting journey for this guy. I think you are correct about him being radicalised online.

Reported that Luigi Mangione, being held for UHC CEO shooting is an Ivy League graduate, attended a $40,000 per year prep school, has a far right wing uncle politician. Is a fan of Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, and Oeter Thiel.

Lots of questions here about motive, but I’m certain he had recently been brainwashed by liberal communist actors.


Next US Director of National Intelligence??


Here is part 1. Sorry to mix them up.


Sorry to hear this. Wishing you and your family good health and fortune :+1:t2:


I think this is a pretty well stated observation/theory and seems to describe a really significant phenomenon of where Trump’s support came from in this past election


It will, of course, be politicized. Both parties will fall over themselves to explain why this is a result of the other parties failed, ridiculous policies.

The reality is, while no sane rational personal could or would condone this murder. It is a deeply disturbing sign about the company, the American healthcare and insurance industries, and the political state of the country that the overall public reaction to this crime seems to be “oh, yeah, I could see why someone would want to do that “

And on a personal note - I empathize greatly with your families struggle to navigate insurance and get you mother in law the best possible health care. My wife and I had are share of 3 hour phone calls with United Health over my moms insurance before she passed away recently.


One should have been President and one needs to be.

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I don’t understand how these people have jobs. In any case, it should be glaringly obvious that they are precisely the problem if people take their blinkered opinions seriously. Lefties aren’t the problem, it’s the people like them with their warped worldviews and their refusal to acknowledge that they form their opinions prior to seeing the evidence that are the problem.

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Has anyone been paying attention to the Murdoch succession drama?

Rupert stepped down several years ago and handed the reins over to his Trumpy son Lachlan. However, when he dies, the 3 other kids will have 75% share among them and it has become apparent that they dislike what Fox is and represents and are willing to collectively get behind the other son, James, to oust Lachlan and turn Fox into a legit news organization. Realizing where this was going, Rupert tried to change the inheritance trust, but has been blocked from doing so given it was set up as a condition of one of his divorces. That has been working its way through the legal system and a judge ruled yesterday that the trust must stand as written.

Lachlan on getting the news


It speaks loudly that those on his side have a good amount of confidence that Trump will bail them out from seeing justice for their crimes


They may have pretended to be a campaign of law and order, but those in his party know differently


This really is the bantz presidency


WTF is happening?


I don’t think that’s surprising.

“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


Howling! I am henceforth going to call @SBYM governor.


This story is wild


Last year De Santis illegally removed an elected prosecutor here in Orlando for political reasons and installed a hand picked lacky. She ran to regain her position in this election and won, but yesterday the replacement released an email saying he had no intention of leaving the office until directed to by De Santis. He has now released a second statement saying “ok, we’ll leave”, but its notable that Ron has said nothing and there has been no real explanation for why the previous one was released.

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This is beyond ridiculous. How can people tolerate that kind of absurdity? All my best wishes to you and your family!


After going through my wife’s chemotherapy and trials, I can’t even imagine how people can afford healthcare. While my wife’s story did not end well, we were fortunate that her treatments bought her a few years. My heart sinks thinking of the pain and desperation of others.

It’s easy to not care until you suffer.


I genuinely don’t know if he could do more damage to his mini-me Poilievre if he was trying.