Eurovision Thread

Winner is automatically qualified for the Champions League so yeah it is serious.

Has Hannah had a few too many

Serbia voting for the neighbours :rofl:

Out of pity if anything.

She will be taking GN for a walk of shame later


Sweden are going to win this year!

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Still hoping the public vote gives it to somebody else.

Can you imagine if this was still done like the 1970s with dodgy phone lines and reading every score out in English and French?

We’d be here till Christmas.

so true!!! :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Piers Morgan?

Oh god.

Bottom 2 :rofl: :rofl:

Catherine Tate is half cut! Not sure how they poured her into that dress either.

The Liverpool crowd shouting ‘cha, cha, cha’. The public want Finland I think.


Sounds very much like the arena favourite is Finland.

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This is where we discover how pissed up the TV viewers are.

Well, at least we’re beating the Germans.

It’s nearly Sunday…!!!

112 for that?!?!?!

Very pissed I’d imagine.

Go on Croatia!

Hard luck UK, maybe next year.

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Is she just identifying as being Swedish?