Expectations for the season

That’s probably close to what happened. It took Matip’s latest injury to convince them to release the funds. And while we can all rage about the delay and point to the inevitability of Matip getting injured again, it should be noted that the owners aren’t being frugal without reason or because they are cheap bastards.

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Klopp was complaining about short turnaround times between games (less than 72 hours), 3 subs and a crammed schedule because they can lead to overuse injuries. Jota wasn’t injured because of overuse. And just for some perspective, Jota had played about 240 professional games before that night without suffering such an injury.

Klopp also talks about players having good rhythm. Jota had played something like 90 minutes in the previous 10-14 days, so Klopp started him. Klopp also arranges mid-season friendlies, he pushes his players hard in training too. It’s risk/reward. We’d get nowhere by wrapping all of our players in cotton wool at every opportunity.

It was unfortunate. To still be criticising him months later is ridiculous IMO.


Impact injury, overuse injury, muscle injury…

makes no difference to me.

Diogo got injured because he was used in a meaningless game.

It’s very likely that it did costs us points and at the end of the season we’ll see if it might have cost us a trophy.

That’s my view on this.

All depends who we bring in this window. :joy:

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Illoks point is sound though.

Jota actually needed the game time.

needed it.

i dont know why the point is always ignored, back then and now.

yes, he got injured in the game, a game that was meaningless to the club, but to the individual player, he needed the match sharpness.


Players that come back from injuries (Ox, Keita, Shaq, Tsimikas) need game time for match fitness. Young players like Jones, Neco and Rhys need game time for first team match fitness.

Jota was not injured since he joined and scored 10 goals for club and country in the 8 weeks before that game in Denmark. Played many minutes.

Not the kind of player that needed minutes for match fitness.

this a bridge we cant cross together.


What’s done is done. I don’t see the need to keep prosecuting the case!


If I was a manager and would know beforehand in which game any of my players will get injured I would‘t field him.

What I mean is most of what we are talking about afterwards is guesswork because we don‘t know exactly what happens around manager and players.
With us here on its the same like with the journos, once the game is finished it‘s easy to critizise.
Klopp and his staff must take decissions before the first whistle.


Hope for top 4 and to see Jota and Mane back fit and ready.

No expectations well any positive ones.

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Same as above. get Jota, Mane and Fab fit. Finish top 4, be planning in the background for next season now. Finances will be a guessing game though. Nobody’s buying Origio, Shaq or Ox for the 50 or 60M I see mentioned on various threads. Add Keita in there too, get him fit or prepare to take a massive hit on him in the summer.
Milner is winding down too, and Gini is most likely leaving so midfield is going to be an issue.

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Thiago to keep being blamed for other players being shit.


Top four Prem
Champions League winners


Champions League Trophy!!

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Bare minimum is a Top 4 finish.
Ideally we would finish in the Top 2 and make a deep run in the UCL.

Reload this summer with a full opportunity to incorporate new signings, those returning from injuries, and needed rest.

Come back next fall with a packed Anfield and a renewed drive.

I am sure I am not alone, but I am treating this season a bit like a pre-season friendlies.

Who ever wins the league (even if its us) it will feel a bit hollow. I am sure its the same for the players themselves. I remember games from 30 years ago. Those magic moments, that felt special. From TAA quick corner at Barca, to Fowler scorning that hattrick against Arsenal. Moments that live with you. This season I doubt I will remember any of it. A combination of Covid/ VAR/ injuries/ poor performances by every club. It all feels a bit fake. Like the artificial crowd noise.

I just want football to return to normal. Its not about winning (although that helps) its about passion. One of my favorite memories is Liverpool going out of Europe to PSG in the 90s. After badly losing the first leg. The atmosphere, the energy the passion was fantastic. It was one of those cliche moments even though we had lost (on aggregate) I was so proud of the team, and glad I supported this club.

I am in effect playing a waiting game, the only thing that matters is maintaining top 4 to ensure we are financially stable and are in europe when fans come back.


I looked at the stands tonight and it made me feel sad, just imagine the Kop trying to drag us on in that last 20.

Couldn’t really care where in the top 4, I know we are better than what’s happening currently. As I said it’s all hopes now rather than expectation.

If we do somehow get a decent break from injuries from now til then end and Kabak and Davies come on well then hopefully the CL allows us some joy, but no expectations anymore just hopes.


I expect us to battle for a top 4 finish, and do really well in the Champions League.

Then come back stronger the next season.


Injuries really destroyed our season.

Think the next 3 league games are City, Leicester and Everton. Need at least 5 points (I know that doesn’t sound too much but we are in a dangerous situation if we lose on Sunday) to ‘cement’ our position in the Top4.

As for the title - we would soon need Alisson, Fabinho, Jota and Mané back and them + the other remaining key players need to stay injury free for the rest of the season. That’s not going to happen.

Was not optimistic a month ago and it is not getting better.

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