Flagellation Thread

I’m not an expert, LOL. I’m an enthusiast :blush:

I’m enjoying these teasers :sunglasses:

Ottoman Empire??? :thinking:

I browsed Google…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
you embarrassing yourself now

Let me try… from right to left:

Sweden, Suisse, Chile, Chech Republic, Montenegro?, Croatia, France, Finland, Phillipines, Ukraine, Sierra Leone?, Turkey, Togo?, beats me, beats me, Holland?, Hungary, USA aaaaand the coolest, biggest, ultra fantastic, uber cosmic Slovenia.

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Timor and beats me :stuck_out_tongue:


Precise as Big Div.

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Just to be pedantic but it’s the Netherlands, not Holland.

What is the difference between holland and Netherlands

Like saying what is the difference between England and the UK? Holland is a geographical region that is part of the Netherlands.

The one that has Iftikhar beat looks a bit like the Chinese Taipei Olympic flag…?

So in the World Cup then it’s always Holland and never the Netherlands?

Out of curiosity what other countries along with holland make up the Netherlands

No other way round

Holland isn’t a country. It’s a geographical region within the country of the Netherlands. Sorry, I probably confused things with the England and UK analogy. It would be more like calling England, Yorkshire.


I thought so, but it’s too obscure to make a call.



PNG and UN?

So calling the Netherlands, Holland, is sort of like calling Great Britain, England?

Ah ok I never realised that.


I was thinking JPG and ACME…

I never really thought Netherlands and Holland is different. Even the Chinese Name for Netherlands as a country is a direct translation from Holland into the Chinese Language so I always thought it was like an old-new era name kind of thing like Myanmar-Burma kind of thing.

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Some anti-fascist/leftist flag.

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Anarcho-syndicalism flag!

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So, are you going to tell or not???