Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend


I watched it. It was lovely tribute. :slightly_smiling_face:


Stop trying to ruin his reputation.

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I felt we always put this team at some period.


You’d be the perfect character to watch in a movie where a Liverpool fan watches sentimental drivel! :grin:

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I saw that, but Im skeptical. Who would have had the authority to over rule Klopp at that time? I already exiting Ward who was only in the job for 30 days before announcing his exit?


He seems happy. I don’t understand why people are so devastatingly sad on his behalf. Check his recent interviews. He said he doesn’t care whether he’s seen as ‘successful’ with one PL and CL. He loved his time. He’s a rich, privileged man who will be remembered as a legend in the city and across the world. Very few people have a legacy like that.

More than anyone in football, Klopp brings the perspective that it’s not really that important. But it can bring joy and escape from modern life. I will remember these 9 years as the happiest I’ve had as a Liverpool supporter fan


Barry Hunter (Chief Scout) and Andy Fallows (Head of Recruitment) have direct lines to Mike Gordon, so I imagine that’s where FSG got their advice from.

I really can’t deal with things that I perceive as injustice, that’s all. Do you think he would have quit had some, if not all of the wrong key refereeing decisions that went against his team gone the right way? He worked his socks off to rebuild our club against the power of entire states and oligarchs, his work deserved more to show for it, and all it would have taken was for the referees to do their job properly. It may not mean much to him but it does to me as a Liverpool fan.


Everyone is unique and we deal with things our own way.

When Jurgen announced he was leaving I was sad. He is such a good manager and an even better man. A perfect fit. But as I listened to his statement, which was so well done, even at that point I started to be ok with it all.

He knows his mind, and it was a big decision, but clearly one that had been in the works for a while, and not taken on a whim. He has given his all, and needs to step away to recharge. I respect that, and can see that.

The vast majority of managers do not leave on their own terms, so in that sense he is lucky. Even generational managers, like Wenger at Arsenal, ended up having most fans on their back before departing.

The one slight regret for me - and it is sport, so we don’t control the outcomes - is that with only the slightest change in fortunes, we could have won more, and for the quality of Jurgen’s work, another PL and another CL, at least, would have been well justified.

There are wider issue in play there too, with corruption and flat out cheating, and it’s a reasonable take to assume that has been at least part of the reason for Jurgen getting worn down and needing to step away. It will be interesting to see if he speaks out, forthrightly. I suspect he won’t, or at least not nearly like Liverpool fans would like to see, because if he speaks, he is still on the treadmill and everyone will want a piece of him to explain and expound, and frankly he’s trying to get off the treadmill, not speed it up! If he speaks out forthrightly, it will be opening up a significant frontier for battle, and the machinery of Man City, the Prem, the PGMOL - whoever he speaks against, will be directed at him.

So I expect him to not speak, although if he did a one and done interview, in the special way he can, where he sits down and speaks his piece for 10 mins or so, before riding off to Majorca to recharge and no more interviews, he will certainly set the cat amongst the pigeons.

Anyway, I digress.

What a man, what a legend. I think he will address the Anfield crowd after the game, which seems fitting. Nothing but gratitude from me for the incredible ride we’ve had with Klopp at the helm.

These things come to an end, and we’ve had almost 9 years, so we’ve been lucky.

Life will go on, and for all we know, maybe Slot will help tighten it up a bit and with renewed energy and freshness, get us challenging right away. It’s the circle of life in football.

Can’t wait.


Interview with Andy Hunter:

Good stuff.


Howling! I forgot the Switzerland comment! So good!

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I’ve said this before and I’ll never stop believing it: These cunts not only robbed us of more titles but of more time with Klopp as well. Lifting a hard-earned trophy and going on a open bus parade at the end of the season would have been the best possible tonic not just for Klopp but for everyone involved. Instead they witnessed the cheating scum being handed the title again and again. All their hard work amounting to nothing.

It was always a matter of time with Klopp; Those pricks though made it happen years sooner than it was supposed to.


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@cynicaloldgit this isn’t for you.




My Lord. The tears have started welling.

The EPL tribute should have included incriminating the 115ers once and for all.


Yea I remember that one and also the evergreen teaching that ‘Nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain’

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I am in a lot of emotional trouble, which is unusual for me

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You used the wrong nothing lasts forever lyrics