Jürgen Klopp - Liverpool Legend

I never said we didn’t have options we most certainly do and did.
I do see some strange calls on here though as alternatives to 433. Like playing 3 at the back, whaere are we going to get 3 EPL quality CBs in our present crisis?
442 diamond this in a strict form is one of the most difficult systems to get right defensively it really is an attacking formation and or attack isn’t firing so better stick with what you know.
4411 is an option imo but we would end up playing lads out of position.
Brief I think sticking to 433 is the right thing to do (Klopp has tried his favorite 4231 many times and always ended up back to 433 so I don’t think he wishes to go back there) one thing i support Klopp on. There are many others but i just prefer negativity until others push forward ideas I don’t agree with.

I agree the Taki loan was strange, all I can say is the coaching staff didn’t see enough opportunities for him here to get him into EPL mode and at Southampton he would (in that case we are using Southampton well).

What options?

Origi hasn’t been a viable option to rotate the front 3 since the Madrid final. Can you not imagine what would happen if he were to drop Salah or Mane for Origi and not win?
Shaqiri has for once been available but he has been just as ineffective as everyone else. Not to mention that he hardly ever defends.
Chamberlain has been something between mediocre, invisible and awful when used.
Tsimikas has had lengthy injuries, has no rhythm and has looked vulnerable defensively.
R.Williams played as well as could be expected for a 19 year old who a year ago featured for Kidderminster. His inexperience and lack of pace were starting to become all too visible and exploitable.
N. Williams had similar issues when he had to start for the injured TAA.

Milner has had a series of injuries but when available Klopp has generally played him. Jota and Keita have just returned, Henderson is out, Fabinho has been rushed back again.

The only one you could make a case for is Minamino and the formation. He should deviate from 4-3-3 more often but I think that he prefers to do so only when there are enough training sessions between games.


This experience thing is what I don’t get, Rhys is a very good footballer for his age and isn’t shy. He does lack experience and with experience he will cover for his ‘lack of pace’ (really is a rediculous arguement for keeping a CB out of a team particularly one soo young) yet he’s not getting game time and we loaned a player who we play who hasn’t a clue when it comes to our tactics (though he’s almost on par with the younger Rhys in footballing terms). It’s baffling for me. I never heard anyone complain about how slow Willie Miller was at Aberdeen when I went to Pittodrie to see him make thumping great tackles in the 6 yard box.

If Origi is not trusted should have been sold. Otherwise he is just stealing a pay check. I think with Origi he is terrible trainer, it’s been indicated by others he is a bit lazy… Which brings me back to Klopp’s heart over head mentality, you know this guy is a poor trainer, so why have him around, even if we didn’t get the money we wanted for him we could have got something and re-invested.

So if as above there is no real option to rotate your front 3 don’t you do something different? They need to have rests, so play 2 of them…

We had 8 days inbetween Leicester and Sheffield, which we tweaked the tactics, then reverted back to standard for Chelsea. Again makes no sense.

I personally think we should have tried Oxlade at right back for a bit.

I also think Tsimikas would have been fine v’s a lot of the teams we’ve played, it’s not as though Robbo is playing well.


How do you sell players that no other club want to buy?

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I would agree he’s laid back but I haven’t come across anything that suggests he’s lazy. Where did you get this from, indicated by whom?
Wouldn’t it be wiser just to say ‘we’ have reservations over Origi’s implication or something along those lines rather than ‘terrible in training’. Klopp puts so much emphasis on what happens in training that this must be completely and utterly untrue!


Thought it were TAA and Ox doing one of those YT videos, answering questions like who eats the most, who snores and when they got the question who is the laziest they both answered simultaneity: Origi and had a lot of fun about it.


You loan them to Southampton where they transform the team.

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I know he scored two but I have not seen much else.

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I saw that and in noway did it imply that he was terrible in training.
As I pointed out he is layed back yet noone has accused him of not putting in a shift during training and for me that goes back to his Lille days. On the other side he has been criticised in other aspects of his game particularly at Lille by supporters.
The bottom line for me is he is a very talented player who just has never and probably will never realise his full potential.

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Who are you talking about now?

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My only criticism towards the boss remains about not utilising the squad completely and remaining a bit stubborn to not change tactics/gameplay with the players in hand.
This unfortunately indirectly shows a complete lack of belief in the squad players/fringes. I see his perspective in maintaining stability within the first 11, but there is a huge cost associated to it.

  • running down players to the ground, totally out of steam
  • continuously playing players out of form
  • destroying confidence of the squad/fringe players.

The third point is quite significant. I know, some feel Players like Origi , Tsimikas or even Taki are completely shite. But, this season, we have basically destroyed their confidence and belief in a certain way. Either they will never get a game or play 2-3 minutes and never be seen again. I don’t know how can we even expect certain players to perform as well as first 11 , when they never even get played. I mean , I won’t be surprised someone like Tsimikas will already be looking at the exit door in the summer, because no matter what I will not even get a minute. This boy was a hot property in the summer and we beat a host of clubs to get him in. I understand he had a long term injury , but if I am Tsimikas, I would be like…there is no belief in the coaching staff that I can offer anything better than already is there. Do we expect players to sit 3/4 or entire season on bench at their best age ? I am sorry , it hurts me but the whole togetherness and belief we had built up in the squad in the last 2-3 years has been somewhere dented massively this year.

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I meant to quote your post about loaning them to Southampton.

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So I presume you were refering to Taki, which if so yes I was infering him. :wink: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I think the club were open to offers.

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Yes I agree, but I think we held out for too much. He clearly has offered the square root of fuck all this season sadly and when you are going through such an injury crisis you need every single player going above and beyond.

It was Bobby and Alisson.

The proof is there in everyones face, he literally after the last match said Ox and Milner got on ahead of Keita due to their application in Training.

What did Bobby and Alisson say?

On what I’ve seen of Origi recently a tin of beans would be too high a price