Liverpool Videos

I’m tempted to say you’re not fit enough to wear the shirt.

Then I thought - actually, how fit are they?

If a Git makes a joke in a forest and there’s no one there, is it still funny?

Not really.

At least one person got it though. Better than my average.

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I made a cracking joke (well, I thought so) in another thread, but only Livvy appears to have got it. :man_shrugging:

Obviously you have a Teutonic sense of humour.

Didn’t know there was one.

There are two actually. Dry, understated irony, and facile, adolescent slapstick.

As I don’t understand German, the only German comedian I know is Henning Wehn and I don’t find him especially funny.

Mind you, I don’t find any British “comedians” funny, either.

Humour is not the sole preserve of comedians, of course. It manifests itself in everyday life, in daily interactions with people around us and on an internet football forum where the zenith of wit can be observed in the posts of a particularly handsome and charming ex player, inventor and all round good egg.

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Aww, this is lovely. :face_holding_back_tears::heart:


Give him Nunez for an hour of extra individual work.


Is something happening here???

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El Nino went to spend a day work shadowing Jürgen during training and he will be there during the Brighton match.

I think El Nino is work towards his coaching badges.

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No doubt learning how to put out the cones ala Pep.


Doesn’t he already have them? Last I heard he was coaching the Atletico Madrid U/21 team

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Not sure, i didn’t know he started coaching the U21 already.

I hope he doesn’t coach like Simeone in the near future :grimacing:


very touching video and really shows why Klopp belongs to the LFC family