Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...) (Part 1)

Imagine Jordan Henderson has 4 Premier League winners medals and is a 3 time Premier League winning captain.


It is what the great man deserves.


I discussed this with a mate earlier.

At the time I believed in Brendan Rodgers (BR), he led us to a great 2013/14 season and probably his/the teams inexperience of winning things hindered us.
In hindsight, as strange as it may sound I believe we were better off for not winning the league under as it resulted in us getting Klopp.
I accept that BR may have built a legacy/team if we had won that year but it would have denied me the Klopp era.
In the end, the way I see it is Klopp that delivered us the EPL and pushed City (allegedly financially doped and with the alleged worlds best manager) through a sustained period, where no other EPL team could even come close.

If we are awarded the title for 2013/14, I genuinely believe BR and the team deserved it. What will Irk me is that BR will be forever dining off it but I accept my opinion is based how he has portrayed himself since.

I think the most important thing to me is that it will give Gerrard the medal he so deserved and so that over rides any feelings about which manager delivered us the title. :+1:t2:


At least one positive outcome may be that it would now be much less likely that we get bought by some petroleum-state / emirate.


Fuck off UEFA :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Troll Football


UEFA say they will NOT strip Manchester City off their Champions League titles.

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We’ve already gone through the sickening feeling stage. We knew when we were in those chases we were competing against a side put together with illegal financial doping. When we lost out those 3 times we knew then we’d come up short in an unfairly handicapped race. This move by the PL doesnt open our eyes to anything new. Instead, this move by the PL is a step towards accountability for building the club on the back such flagrant and brazen violations that we all knew were happening. Steps most of thought we’d never see get taken.

I wont hold my breathe over the punishment, but it is great to see it all aired and addressed by an official party.


That’s a good question, but I’m not sure a collective automatically guarantees the action we’d want to see.

The hierarchy at Liverpool, United, prob Chelsea, Arsenal and Spurs would want Coty held within the rules. But I can imagine ten clubs in this league who would welcome City’s oil money cascading down to them.

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Is that Gabriel Jesus??

I clicked the link and maybe didn’t get the post you referred. The one I saw was someone suggesting City believe it was someone internal and that were trying to identify them. Why is this so they can bump them off?
In the 60s/70s you had European teams (Inter for example) getting favourable treatment due to back handers and only informers could stop this. Nowadays, with the technology available, it doesn’t need someone to inform. Information is readily available online and regarding the original leak of this information hacked.

What annoys me, is that it takes an individual to hack said information to highlight/expose what the average joe’s concerns are. Every football fan suspects foul play, including a portion of their own fanbase. So I am of the view that the EPL/FA/UEFA should be proactively investigating this rather than reacting.

Maybe I will be proved wrong, but in my opinion there is no way on earth that City top the deloittes revenue league ahead of teams like Madrid/Barca, Utd and Us, Teams that have had a century of regular success.
I could accept the other 3 being a head of us, because I respect/appreciate that they have had numerous periods of success. City, for their recent successes have not had time to build up the fan base/commercial demand to warrant their suggested revenue income.
I allude to the comment John Henry made about the Man City selling the naming rights, “how much was the losing bid”.

Personally, even though it would still deny Gerrard a PL medal, I am not comfortable with Utd. and us being awarded the Titles because of City’s cheating. Although, we deserved to win the league, we didn’t, I would feel the titles would always have an asterisk against them and additionally ruin my memories of being a fan experiencing a closely fought title run in.

The reason why I believe City, if found guilty should be punished to the max is because they have done this for their own gains and at the expense of so many people.
If found guilty of cheating, it could be said that they have ruined the whole make up of English Football, robbed many a fan including their own of potential/actually memories and players from other teams losing out on potential opportunities. Also, as a City player, all your hard work/success has been undermined/questioned.

If they are found guilty to a majority of the charges, I would want them stripped of all titles and relegated. I would want the titles/trophies to be just nulled. I would also expect the enforcement of a change of ownership.

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There are people here, and all over the place who have been consistent in wanting Man City brought to heel over their financial behaviour. Its grand scale corruption that deserves to addressed and punished in a proper fashion.
The titles are not theirs, and any form of proper justice strips them of those titles. Nothing less.
They should be relegated.
Fines commensurate with the crimes. A billion would suffice.

Then Chelsea should be next.

Level the playing pitch as FFP was meant to do.
Spend what you earn, and spend investment in a transparent manner.

Liverpool have suffered most in the last few years. The sheer heartbreak of losing out to cheats will never be properly recompensed. Never.

The future of football is in the hands of those making a decision on sanctions against City.
Whilst we won’t hold our breaths for justice, we at least know what we always suspected. Cheats.

There is more to come, in time.
Some referee or official will spill the beans on their part in the corruption in the game. Its inevitable.


I can understand your point, but can also see a different perspective - but who knows.

As much as the money cascades down, City also make a lot of money from their loaning/selling of younger players to teams like Southampton. Their values are often inflated as a result of them making a few appearances for City.
If City were to be relegated, these players would be available.

Two minds about a few things, yes they always get off but this is 100 charges (wasn’t Chelsea 4?).

Secondary the PL need to make this stick because the football regulator idea will be back and Labour will make it stick even if the Cons don’t (as it’s pretty much their idea as I believe the Co-op party have led on it for years, well I attended a fringe event in 2010).

This is also quite damaging to the Premier League reputation even though they brought it on themselves. As for the titles I don’t really care, though it would be nice just for the numbers even if they strip them and don’t reward them effectively it means only us, Leicester and Chelsea won the title in the last decade and only us and Leicester did it within our means.

However I do want to see them expunged from the PL and for their owners to banned from owning again, not sure what the FL can do but they could basically say well you’re not coming in at this level and could even relegate just one from the FL.

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I read somewhere that the biggest possible penalty would be points deduction but only in the season that the eventual verdict is decided which could mean next season, or even 2 seasons later, who knows…would be great to see them start next season -30 points

A transfer ban (buying) would also need to go with that or else they would “buy” themselves out of relegation. What did Chelsea get? 2 window for 4 window ban?

I would suppose a bigger financial penalty and restrictions would be imposed and definitely transfer ban would be imposed. And beyond that should mean that their abily to increase their budgets like salaries should be restricted meaning some of these mercenaries would seek to leave the club.

I’m pretty sure it was a 2 window ban,and even then they managed to buy kovacic (sp?) as they had a loan to buy deal set up.

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But then after their transfer ban they can just spend more, any transfer ban should also include FFP penalties

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Not sure I’d be comparing this City bullshit to Chelsea, or any other scandal to be honest. This level of corruption, fraud and just blatant cheating should see penalties passed on that have never been seen prior. Loss of all trophies in that time, financial fines in the billions and the club should be outright destroyed with relegation straight to the bottom tier leagues. Transfer bans for years to come is an absolute minimum. This should go down as one of the greatest sporting scandals of all time.


I’ve read and watched so much shit on this Man Cheaty finances bollox over the years and today,but what is still baffling the shit out of me,is how the likes of pundits,journalists and especially Sky Sports News are all talking about IF’s, Maybe’s and allegedly’s,like the last 10-12 years has been normal.

I’m no accountant or mathematician but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out what and how they’ve falsely injected funds into the club to spend big.

All of these cunts make a living from the game and should be telling it how it is,if they had from the start or the Premiership had kept a closer eye on them and nipped it in the bud,none of this crap would be happening now.

I have a Man U supporting work mate who thinks all clubs are doing it to some extent,calling it creative accounting,but i know he’s only saying that cos in the era of United being shit and winning nothing,Cheaty are stopping us from winning titles,so its ok.

Best comment I’ve found on one of their forums.