Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...) (Part 1)

Oh dear!

So Man City are just going to let one of their senior players get drunk and expose themselves in public, one day after a game, without taking any punitive action? Why is he out getting drunk during the season? Why is he getting his dick out in public?

Really weird that Man City would just ignore it.

And Kyle, its really easy not to cheat on your wife. If you had any respect for her you would never act like that. I hope she takes you for everything your worth in divorce court.


The hype around Joao Cancelo seems to be gone already in Germany. 344 minutes played in 8 games.

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You may be the first mod in history to ban himself :joy:

Remember these are all players willing to choose a club that knowingly breaks the rules, and be part of that rule breaking. Itā€™s not a shock that these same people would act like scum in real life.


Not at all for show Semmy sir, Iā€™m just being me the only way I know how to be.

Iā€™m very much a Liverpool in guy, dont really keep a follow on what goes on outside from past events, bit like with all the news at the moment with us and the whole CL final in Parisā€¦Iā€™ve kinda got one eye open to it but not really paying attention to the details and certainly in 5-10 years time will almost completely be washed from my memory and replaced with all the positive cheery moments weā€™ll create.

We all make mistakes, just apologise and move on. I accidentally opened a news story about us from the aforementioned not to be mentioned, shite, lying, supposed newspaper, as soon as I realised, I exited it immediately


The thing with Kyle Walker is he is in his 30s and he has a history of dodgy stuff, such as covid breaking sex parties, and a general loutish approach to life.

I could half understand a young pro coming into to loads of money and going astray, but even at that point, I would expect the club to slap him down and help him to correct course.

(Itā€™s different, but what comes to mind is Houllier saying to a young Stevie, by the time you are finished you can buy a brewery - that seemed wise, fatherly advice to a young player who wanted to enjoy a beer or two early on, which is absolutely nothing close to what Kyle Walker has done).

Anyway, Walker should have been corrected by the club years ago, and he should have had the wherewithal and humility to receive the correction too.

The fact that he is a married man in his 30s doing this stuff points to a lack of leadership and moral compass at Man City, and also to a lack of character and maturity in Kyle Walker himself.

Like Sweeting, I hope his wife takes him to the cleaners, financially, and if she does, she is justified.


If you had to choose, would you prefer the City squad or United squad in terms of cuntishness? My god. How do both clubs attract so many wankers? ( Phone autocorrected to walkers there :rofl:)

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I am very firmly of the opinion that playing football is the most competitive industry in the world and as such there is far more top level talent available than is often appreciated, and more than the top teams can hoover up for themselves, even if you add a couple more petrostate owned clubs into the mix. In the NFL, where elite performance is largely determined by being a genetic outlier, you kind of have to put up with bad eggs if they are talented, because the talent really is a limited commodity. In football you dont. Playersā€¦no, people like Walker get accommodated either because of a lack of imagination from the people involved or the lack or giving a shit. Importantly, there are players who care, who want to be their best, understand what that means about the way they conduct themselves, and they will see situations like this, like the bunga bunga parties, the mendy situation, and decide that their money isnt worth it for them.

In football, it such a short sighted attitude to put up with players who are not professional, or even decent people.


Lack of top down culture that roots out the bad apples as they identified, or puts value into not bringing them in in the first place. And as per the actual meaning of the phrase ā€œone bad appleā€ once you add one and donā€™t deal with it the other good apples are liable to turn.

Sometimes the ā€œheā€™s good behind the scenesā€ type plaudits gets mocked, but you really cannot over emphasize how important that is if you want to try and win the way we must (by buying good players and requiring them to be their very best).

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Bare minimum punishment should be him being put on the sex offenders register.

That prevents him working with kids (limits his ability for coaching post playing career) and depending on the terms of registration, may prevent him from being within a certain distance (would then bring into question if he is allowed in the stadium at all when young fans are present?) and potentially would limit his travel options (criminal convictions must be declared on imigration) for both Shitty and Ingerlund


Actual reality: a slap on the wrist.

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Sadly, I think the most likely scenareo will be Man City bribe the courts to reverse it and have the bar charged for the audacity of actually having cctv and use it to protect their staff and other customers.


the saddest thing about this story is that Walker probably went into training

and boasted to the rest the lads in the dressing room,

of his attics and the great craic he had out on the lash on his days off,

like it was all normal behaviour.

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What the fuck is wrong with you?


Whatā€™s the fuss with you with that? I was responding to another poster on how I didnā€™t know a piece of information relating to a tragedy which happened over 30 years agoā€¦

I donā€™t understand the need to come out the trap and jump on me for that? Could you elaborate what was so wrong please?

Maybe coming onto a Liverpool Forum, claiming to be a committed fan of the club, and yet having little care or interest in tragic events in our history that have done so much to define the identity of the institution.

Occasionally people accidental post stuff that originated in the sun. Itā€™s easily done. The correct response to that, as anyone with half a brain knows, is to apologise and remove it. The worst thing you can do is double down, claim itā€™s not that bad, it time move on etc. That might be what is pissing people off.



All from a guy who claims to work in a building on the docks.

If a new, foreign fan was unaware of the problems with The Sun I could understand, but anyone living or working locally claiming ignorance is lying.