Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Kinkladseh - nice little player. One where the highlight reel a little better than the player, but that’s a bit mean spirited, as he played with joy.

Before that generation they had Lee, Summerbee and Bell, and that was a decent side. They have usually had a smattering of decent players, or at least those with a cult hero status.

Overall a fair to middling club that occasionally had a day in the sun, but mostly they were irrelevant at the top level or worse, sinking down like a stone.

Shinawatra got them thinking bigger and Abu Dhabi have spoiled them beyond belief. The new breed, which is most of them now, understand nothing of struggle or building up a team over time. They arrived quickly and will depart just as quickly as the mood takes them.

Franny Lee as well, you do wonder if these players want to associate.

But yeah they’ve always been the second club in Manchester, summed up by that time they won the Championship and then got relegated.

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He was due to move from WBA to Leeds but the medical showed a hole in his heart. Not sure if I remember an unfortunate incident the following season or if it’s an urban myth? Funny how your memory works as you age.
Anyway, the season after the move fell through the commentator (maybe Tony Gubba) on one of WBA’s matches mentioned Hartford’s failed transfer and the reason for it. Then immediately said something like “he’s put in some whole-hearted performances this season”. He realised straight away what he said and apologised. :nerd_face:

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Was it just Grealish these wankers signed?

Can’t help but thinking they’ve missed out on a striker which is great.

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Fixed for accuracy

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For those with no subscription to The Athletic I can answer the question posed fairly succinctly.

Because they’re cunts.


Yup, seems to been lost in the “what have Liverpool not bought”.

We’ve been here before mind in the summer of 2019….

I expect we will spend next summer.

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Sorry but have to ask this.

Why are discussions about Mendy allowed but not about Gylfi Sigurdsson?

A mod requested not to talk about Mendy, but then unfortunately undermined their request by immediately putting out an opinion about it. Whereas the the Gylfi request had more of a definitiveness to it.

We’re not discussing either of the allegations.

We are nusing over City using a player who they were aware had criminal charges pending.
The guy is innocent till proven guilty, obviously. But given the nature and seriousness of those charges it might have been morally correct to “rest” him.

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Quite but worse is what City knew when. You read statements City released in January in an entirely different light now that you know the nature of the allegations and, specifically, you’d have to imagine City were aware of Mendy’s bail conditions and, therefore, the fact he was repeatedly breaching them. Most recently just last month (August).

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Can’t we discuss this once the charges are proved or otherwise in a court of law.

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Of course, right now we’re just discussing the approach adopted by City in their dealings with a player facing serious criminal allegations (and subsequently charges).


We are not discussing the charges.

For my own clarity, was Mendy breaching bail conditions on his own or was his role with City (playing etc. in Europe too I guess) also in breach of those bail conditions?

You are discussing aspects of the case though and it could prejudice a fair trial.

Can people understand this is far bigger than whether City are a bunch of cnuts.

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Actually, I am not.
But thats all on it from me.

Edit: Two articles posted above more explicit than anything subsequently discussed.

Fine then discuss it and risk it.

Not sure what it matters anyhow, they did it and now it’s done.