Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

There are a number of club owners who have made their money through questionable means and/or maintain close links with those sorts of regimes.

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I think there is something culturally wrong at that club. My mind goes back to that party where they flew a load of ‘Instagram models’ over to entertain the players.


I think this story doesn’t belong in any football/sports thread. Maybe further updates should be in the non breaking news thread???

He’s a City player and allegedly happened while he is one. After all their antics with the Italian supporters club, this can stay to highlight the darker side of such brazen behavior.


Oh dear this doesn’t seem to be good news for Mendy.

Also I don’t think you can blame Man City as a club for the alleged misbehaviours of 1 employee

The problem is the whole club have history.

As has already been pointed out by others - the ‘Italian Supporters Group’ and the way they protected Barry Bennell, Joey Barton assulting a youth player nearly causing life changing injury are just the ones that immediately spring to mind, I bet there are plenty more that would not be hard to find if I could be arsed searching about their shitty antics


You can when the club were allegedly aware that he was in breach of his bail conditions and continued to select him.


That part is the most worrying from a human perspective.
If, and it remains if the club were aware of the pending charges or indeed investigation, you could argue that they should have suspended the player.
Obviously its “IF” they knew.

Would it be too early for any other club to consider terminating his contract or would they have to wait until the legal process is done and dusted?

Makes ya wonder what due-diligence, if any, they carried out in Fraudilo’s haste of buying full-backs every season

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What City already knows he has done may already be enough. Obviously a rape conviction would be grounds but there may already be proven behaviour by Mendy significantly less serious than that which would provide legitimate grounds.

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Cheaters may well look for the best option for them to reclaim lost asset monies through an insurance claim… of sorts

Rifles through insurance policy checking to see if they’ve got cover…


Mansour Insurance Brokers.

I heard the payout is a mind blowing amount that is calculated dynamically using a rolling sum of the 4 most recent transfers windows, plus the total transfer fee and wages of insured player.

The premium is a whopping 1 dirham.


I refer to my jokey post after the suggestion of what each club had left to spend on FFP.


Taking the piss, aren’t they.


Kyle Walker ‘allegedly’ broke lockdown to have a lady friend over. :nerd_face:

I might be getting players mixed up, but was it not Walker that had a teammate come over for a couple of these lockdown parties?

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