Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

I’d question whether they are testing, sad to think that but it seems to be the only place in the country that’s avoided it and we know they aren’t careful (How many parties was it in lockdown?)


With the questions about how sides are liable to game the system, Im surprised they are being left to their own devices when it comes to testing and reporting. Part of the issue is the league needs to put in place clear guidance on what are the circumstances and thresholds for postponing a game, but the other issue is this cannot be self-reported. If I was the prem, I’d have a nurse allocated to every one of the training grounds who is responsible for testing every person who goes in every day and reporting the data back to the league.


The problem with self reporting is a crucial overlooked aspect. Completely agree.

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No testing, no positive results, no problem, Simples.

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I raised the issue, had reasonable and not so reasonable debate.
GD was an issue raised during commentary on the City game yesterday, GD is a feature on league tables, GD is a recognised method of awarding titles.

But if its something you don’t want discussed then maybe don’t get involved in the discussion?

To suit you, and me that is my last contribution to GD for now.

Absolutely, I think you’ve hit the nail on the head here.

And this is how it could be easily fixed. So, genuine question: why don’t the FA or the prem do the obvious then?

Because the league would be shut down with immediate effect and revenue from the SKY and BT coffers might be effected.
If City for example have one case then they must have four or five?

There is zero thought for safety, wellbeing of players or indeed supporters when money, tv and such agendas are in the frame.




Completely forgot about him. Still, I think he’s not a part of their strongest XI, even if he is a great player. Definitely a lesser miss to Man City than Salah or Mane are to Liverpool.


I’d say he is in the last year or two, he made that position more or less his own. Bernardo had an off spell and now he’s back playing more in midfield.

But yeah, there is no comparison with what we’ll miss and what Chelsea and City will miss.

You could argue that Mendy will be more of a blow than Mahrez, who are their backups, positions on the pitch, how those teams play and manage with players missing, etc.

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That won’t stop a certain sniffer from moaning.

I did want to discuss it, so I got involved. But once it started to get silly, it seemed wise to try to move it on.

The goal difference point is reasonable. You weren’t saying anything untoward. Scoring more goals, rather than less goals, is better. Everyone sees that. But there is more to it than that! The other discussion points being offered added important texture. The two main additional points were to do with managing energy levels with a view to the busy schedule, and also trying to reduce the risk of injury. It was all very reasonable, but you seemed to want to double down on the goal difference thing, to the point that it was getting silly. Here’s how:

With regard to energy levels you made some spurious assertions about athletes who work longer and harder, insisting that they do not have an elevated injury risk. There is a mountain of evidence in sports science to suggest that athletes who work longer, at a higher intensity that is closer to their max, are more susceptible to injury. But instead of acknowledging that basic point, which is a given to most people, you started to talk about players being trained to play for 90 minutes. Of course they are trained to play for 90 minutes. Nobody is saying otherwise. But being able to go to your physical max when needed, and not having to go to your max because it is not needed, are two very different things.

Consider the 100M in the Olympics. What are the winning times like, through the heats, and semi final… in relation to the final?

You also started to make ridiculous arguments, such as the hypothetical line of inquiry about not trying to get back into a game from 2-0 down, and instead prioritizing rest due to the busy schedule. No one was saying that, and nobody would say that. It was misrepresenting what people were saying about rest.

It’s typical internet discussion board 101. Fella makes a point. Digs a foxhole. Stands his ground. Additional discussion points are made, reasonable points, but the appreciation for those points is overlooked, and misrepresented, due to the need to stand firm on initial point. Conversation starts to get tetchy. Peacemaker tries to move it on as it has all been said. Fella then says ‘well don’t engage with thread if you don’t want to talk about it.’

It appears to be that sort of thing. It’s laughable.


My apologies.
I reacted to the comment, but my bad.

Pep finally trying to sort out behavioural issues at Shitty. Seems Jack and Phil like to have a bit of “fun”

‘Not rotation, no. I decided this team because they deserved to play — these guys and not the other ones.

‘At Christmas time I pay a lot of attention to behaviour on and off the pitch. And when (behaviour) off the pitch is not proper, they are not going to play.

‘So we have to be focused all the time because of distractions at Christmas time and everything that happens — you still have to be focused.’

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Easy to say when you have a full squad you wanker.


Considering how many of the City squad like to, shall we say ‘socialise’, and how much more infectious this new variant is, I’m amazed they haven’t had any positive test results.


As Michael Owen would say, ‘to win games, you have to outscore your opponent.’ :rofl:


It’s obvious that they haven’t tested the players who were without any symptom. No symptom, no test, no positive case, no problem.

That’s what LFC should do too from now on.


Luck plays a big factor here, I believe it’s possible that both Liverpool and City are doing the best they can to battle the virus spreading inside the building, but… what else can you do. Some things you can’t control.

Someone like Mendy completely missing from City probably helps them as well.



It’s more than lucky that a squad with a bellend like Grealish in it hasn’t had a significant outbreak.

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