Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)


if Man City were’nt testing players for Covid, and some player played with Covid,
it would affect the performance of the player?

Or maybe they Brided Covid to stay from their players? :wink:

If they were vaccinated and asymptomatic then no.

Indeed, I would not put it beyond them, they are known cheaters that club stinks from top to bottom.


Considering how many times they broke protocols the first time around I’m surprised they haven’t had a single case this time.


I don’t see why City would want to take this risk? A positive case would lead to multiple affected cases within the squad, increasing the likelyhood of there being players suffering negative consequences from it. These negative affects could be short term or for much longer.

Too good to be true…!!!not one , not one…


It’s also not just the players. Pep is 50. His 2 assistants are both also in their 50s. I’d imagine that most people around the training complex are in an at risk age group.

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Short term gain. If any team can ignore players being out its them. Imo they’re going to milk what they can until they reach that point. Until then they’re making hay while facing weakened teams all the way. Also, if any team couldn’t give a shit, it’s them. I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw Big Dunc.


I think they are riding the vaccinated and asymptomatic train as far as they can take it. If and when it catches up with them, and they have enough cases with symptoms that they need a breather, they will report it. By then, who knows how big their lead will be.


I don’t disagree with your thought in principle, it’s absurd, but I’ve read the NFL has changed their policy to similar.

Unless I misunderstood, the NFL is not requiring vaccinated players to test unless they feel symptoms.

From what I’ve seen you’d want all your players to go down with it roughly at the same time.

Liverpool have been a drip feed sadly, we’ve probably done our best to mitigate and kind of not benefited in the slightest.

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I find it equally hard to believe that a team with Kyle Wanker and Foden in its ranks, amongst others, has no positive cases when every other team and their two direct rivals have been ravaged by covid and injuries.

I am not expecting it, but I wouldn’t be shocked to find out that they have been “liberal” with their testing.


To complete as many matches as possible without postponements?

Foden is out with Covid now, apparently. It was rumoured before the Arsenal game that he had it and would miss the game. He didn’t play and the official reason given was ‘not fully fit’. I think they are not naming the players with Covid. Not all teams are. They said the same thing about Rodri when he missed a couple of games recently so maybe he had it too. Walker’s already had Covid.


Wasn’t Walker last season though?

Keep in mind that these rules in the NFL were put in place less to protect the players and staff, and more to provide a clear framework for how and when a game can be postponed. Their approach was praised because it was clear and provided additional incentives for players to get vaxxed from an angle no one had really thought of before (not being vaxxed increase your chances of your team having to forfeit a game because of you).

The problem now is that we’re at the business end of the season and there simply isnt room to reschedule any more games (especially as it isnt the sort of game where you can play twice a week) so this is very much a case of motivated reasoning (removing the potential for finding a reason to postpone a game there isnt room to reschedule) than it is based on doing what is best for the players and staff.


Even with this strain being viewed as more mild, the idea that it is allowed to tear through your training complex and not have a big impact on the team you can put out is just not realistic. The reality of a 4th wave outbreak (or whatever we’re calling this one) in which most people are vaccinated means that symptoms are now more likely when infected than was the case in past outbreaks (it is no longer completely novel to us meaning we generate an immune response more quickly and powerfully than we did in earlier waves, and the symptoms are produced by that immune response, not the infection per se) .

And again, this is ignoring the risk to all the less healthy people the players are exposed to at training and on match days.

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Do you really think they give a flying fuck about less gealthy people.
This is a machine, soulless and devoid of empathy



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He’s had it twice.