Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

I don’t know what to say. Your son is a bluenose and your wife is a City season ticket holder. You’re a better man than me.


Proud to say though, not a Manure fan in the whole family. I’m one of thirteen kids. We’ve all got kids, who themselves have kids and it carries on for two more generations. Not one Manure fan. :nerd_face:


I’m very glad to hear it, that would be an impossible situation.

I haven’t fact checked it but apparently since April 21 we have lost three games and Cheaty have lost 12. If for no other reason, I’d put my money on Liverpool for the title (which I already did before the season started) :smile::+1:t2:


I don’t recall anyone saying it wouldn’t happen - the emphasis was on it being unlikely to happen. It was certainly too early to start worrying about it when you first made the comment.


And if we had continued to play full throttle against Man Utd we may have lost Salah and Jota to injuries.

Playing what if’s is a game of fun for all the family, still 13 games to go, I can’t see us winning all 13 to be honest and not all games are going replicate the same scores even if we did.


Should I put in emojis in future?

I originally made the comment and there was a response.
My point is that it could happen and therefore I hope our GD is better.
Its nothing more.

See above

Like all title run-ins, there WILL be unexpected results.


The whole situation is gross, but the bit I cannot look past is the willful engagement and even escalation of those in Foden’s group. They shouldn’t have to put it up with it, but they got themselves into a secure position where it was over. And then opened the door and reengaged. And then escalated. The door to that room is closed and the incident is over. Even if the yobs continued heckling from outside, on one side is a bunch of losers whose terrible behavior will be the story they tell their equally terrible mates about for the next 10 years and on of the side was a millionaire who will go on to have a nice night if they just move on. Foden’s team made the choice to reengage.

No idea what started it and Foden himself has done little wrong in the bit that the footage covers. But if this is how the people around him act then it does not bode well for him and to me it reframes all the various stories we’d already heard in which his name has been involved in negative publicity and bad behavior. It’s difficult to give him a pass when his name keeps coming up, and so even his seeming lack of culpability in this specific incident is difficult to take on face value. At the very best he is a lad who needs to get his fucking head on straight to get to a place where he is spending time with people less likely to fuck over his career.


It was an odd game in that for most of the first half Spurs looked to be desperately handing on yet city’s only goal came from a gift from the oddly overrated Spurs keeper. But this version of Kane and Son, the one where Kane is as much as a player maker for Son as he is goal scorer is perfectly suited to hurting City. I dont know it’s a model, on either end of the pitch, that lends itself to other teams trying to copy.

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Foden is a little rat, end of explaination.


The video didn’t look good at all. I hated seeing that fella punch the woman in the face. Hopefully he is prosecuted, as that is a shithouse move.

Beyond that, with a video like that it is hard to know what’s going on, and what happened leading up to it. Words exchanged? Scuffle? I saw the woman - Foden’s mum? - push the fella, and then he punched her, but I don’t know why they were coming together. Was it an ongoing thing? Or some idiots looking for a confrontation with a famous player? They looked too old to be doing that shit too.

Anyway, Foden is a rat, I don’t like him, his character seems lacking, bubble busting shagger, cheats on girlfriend, that’s sort of thing, but it’s just the soap opera of football, which I don’t really care about too much.

Still, based on the short clip, I do hope that fella is prosecuted for assault.

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The whole video is horrible to watch and nobody comes out of it looking good.


Agree with that. NoBody looks good in that. The worst part for me was seeing a man punch a woman in the face.


Perfectly encapsulated.

It’s grotesquely embarrassing on every level imaginable, not to mention incredibly immature and stupid, to harass a professional athlete and his family.

As an aside, a bit sinister thought mind, there’s no telling the resources at Phil Foden’s disposal considering the reach of his employers. Would hate to be these blokes for what’s likely coming them.


I’d say the lads who have no qualms around punching a woman in the face will be the types you don’t fuck around with. Zero morals or boundaries. I’ve seen a lot of those types in fights in and around Manchester, full to the rafters with gangsters.


When he was hassled before he went into his prvate box…he should’ve gone in …shut the door…and contacted security…someone must’ve said something to mum…coz she comes tear arseing out of the private box and says something that sounds like…whose picking on him…just stay in the room and ring security…don’t attract attention…also not advocating violence against females or males, and would hope these thugs are dealt with…just don’t incite them.

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I’m guilty of watching too many Liam Neeson movies and the sinister syndicates that exist in the world. I’m imagining a mysterious ‘medical emergency’ that could befall one of these boys. :see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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Yep, Can’t ever deny that. There’s no excuse whatsoever