Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

You can’t fault a mother’s instinct to protect her child.

That said , I do feel that she shouldn’t have instigated the push which gave the retards the excuse.

I don’'t blame her very much but the easiest thing to do would be to shut the door and not give the retards the ammo


I’ve never been to watch a professional fight, but I’ve been to three or four of those ‘functions’ where they have a dinner/piss up and there are a few amateur bouts during the evening. They attract the local nutters, and almost without fail there is some sort of kick off during the proceedings. Alcohol and boxing aren’t a good mix in my experience. The violence gets the dickheads’ adrenaline pumping and then they’re suddenly a ‘hard case’ after a few whiskies. It’s pathetic. The people in this video are cut from that cloth.


The world has changed, wannabe thugs carry things like knives and will use them without a second thought. I’ve learnt that any sign of trouble you want to be walking away.


They will be fuelled up on coke as well.


Where I grew up if you started a fight you finished it one on one, knuckles (or whatever body part suited you) only. If the other chap had friends jumping in then only would anyone else get involved. Got a massive shock when I started going to bigger towns and cities. Anything and everything was a go. Quickly learned that there’s no rules in a fight and that unless there was no other option walking away was the right option more often than not regardless of how capable one is. Random shot with a shank and it’s curtains, who the fuck wants that? Fucking mental.


Yep…my grandson is 15yrs old and finding his feet going into our local town…with either his mates or girlfriend…and we’ve told him…any trouble and any sign of a weapon(knife)…run away…might sound wimpy…but at least you will be alive…sounds drastic, but needs must.


Better to be smart, I’d say. Of course, sometimes you defend yourself and who you’re with (if there’s that trust), if it’s a specific situation. But better to try and feel when it’s the time to avoid and/or just leave. Somewhere it’s knives, somewhere it’s… anything. And sometimes there’s not even a sense when to stop it. Crazy times.


Just watched Man City second half as that’s when I turned it off, imagine if teams attacked them their defence looked bad seriously bad.

Are they missing anyone as I can see issues after all their goals were a bit forunate though it’s a penalty sadly that’s the rule and I’d be a bit peeved if we didn’t get that, the first is Lloris being crap.

Anyhow intrigued how they go, just a shame the next two hate us and are also bloody shit. I’d fancy a Newcastle against them at the moment.


Yep days are gone for street fights with randoms I feel. I’m probably being dramatic but the fear of getting stabbed these days it’s just worth it to take a bit to your pride and walk away rather than take a bit to the chest by a knife.

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This will be the weirdest complaint from our generation.

“You can’t even go into the street and fight someone you’ve never met anymore. Country has gone to the dogs!”.


Political Correctness gone mad.

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He looked at me funny though. Surely it’s justified


Can’t even punch someone for nothing any more! Might get stabbed in return.

Friday night’s gone…

According to reports in Germany City are now favorites to sign Haaland.

Quelle surprise


Probably why Harry Kane played a blinder under Pep’s nose. Sign me, sign me.


Manchester City’s state owners, the United Arab Emirates were recently given associate membership of the United Nations Security Council for 2022-23 and took up their place this month.
Three countries abstained in the vote on the condemnation of Russia for its military aggression against Ukraine. China and India were the other two.
Off to a fantastic start they are.


I don’t know why anyone is even surprised. They have been ravaging Yemen for over a decade now and have been propping up a warlord who is wreaking havoc in Libya. Not to mention supporting an autocratic regime in Egypt.

Oh, and have I mentioned the miserable conditions in which migrant workers work in their shiny cities?


Add the destruction of our planet to top up the unfathomable wealth of a select few to that. They’re fucking filth and should be smudged off the map.


I think abstention by these countries has to be seen as a victory given their own agenda and perhaps history with Russia.

The vote was always going to fail because Russia holds a veto.