Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

But lovely to mention McGregor, the epitome of a poor nail!

I think this sums up many of the footballing hard men since the 90’s. Batty, Ince etc loved to stroll around the park acting tough but were nowhere near as hard or classy as Souness for example.


I put my money on us before the season started and I’d still put it on us right now :smiley::+1: In my view Cheaty are more likely to choke than we are. We are just hitting our stride and they, (as objectively as I can), just look more likely to drop points. Of course we have to smash them at their echoey shed, but if anyone’s going to follow Spursy (!) and Palace in taking points off these cunts it’s Liverpool Fucking FC, let’s get that right :wink::+1:


and that stems from their leader Pep,


I’ve given you a heart to apologise.

Now let’s kith.


Pep looked like he was on a come down during the presser before.

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So he looked like normal?

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Assad: Syria’s leader makes historic visit to UAE

Sums up their owners. Fit and proper?


Or McMahon.


So we will be allowed to pick up their bones twice after they play Atletico.

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Smashing these cunts at Wembley will be nice


Saturday 2nd
Liverpool - Watford
Burnley - City

Tuesday 5th
City - Atlético
Benfica - Liverpool

Sunday 10th
City - Liverpool (PL)

Wednesday 13th
Atlético - City
Liverpool - Benfica

Then at the weekend we have the semi final against them.

Two games against Atletico and two against us in the space of 13 days. Won’t be much left of them after that.


Have a look here you plastic euro virgins.


Interesting. That is our Villa game that will have to be rescheduled then. City already have a game against Brighton that needs to be rescheduled and doesn’t yet have a date and we’re rapidly running out of weeks for it. We’ve got Utd the midweek between the CL ties, and so I’m assuming one, Brighton will be done then as well. I guess the other one will depend on whether they make it past Atletico, but if they if likely only leaves them two possible windows for the game without going Weekend-Tue-Thur-Weekend.


No it’s their Wolves game which has to be rescheduled and the Brighton game will take place as planned.

vince mcmahon wrestling GIF by WWE

I have to say I looked at that yesterday and couldn’t work out why someone was mentioning Vince McMahon.

noooo not that little pussy.

Stephanie then? Or Shane?


Probably 1 of the greatest wwf promos :rofl: