Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Physics innit? The ‘potential energy’ increases as a body climbs higher up from the diving pool.

The slightest lack of control at the start of the fall leads to higher rotational forces and by the time the body has used up its potential energy, quick as a flash some Scouse fellah has pulled out the plug in the pool.

Payment in Rubles maybe?

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I was kind of hoping Halaand had morals - but then when you decide to employ Raiola as your football agent you only care about money, and football is secondary.

Any hard as fuck Irish CMs we can buy?

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No need. We’ve got both Yorkeshire steel and some Tyne & Wear mongrel in our midfield to lap up any of his salty tears

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Since moving to Dortmund Erling Haaland has been injured for 147 days missing 28 games.

Try to imagine his fitness record in Premier League.


Was thinking of his injury record but you’d imagine if he is at city he will be rotated more than at dortmund and in theory be injured less.

He’ll also get the Pep Sted package.


It’s hardly overuse that has hurt him though. If you’ve missed that many games there isnt much potential for rotation otherwise he’d never play.


I wonder if some of his injuries can be put down to ‘growing into his body’? Tall lad, big frame, a few year to fill out, injuries along the way?

No doubt about it he is a great striker and will score goals. The footballing issue to watch for me is how much addition and how much subtraction to the collective will his signing bring? Focal point, goals scored, easy to see the upside. But the downside might be some fluidity lost, and definitely some control lost in the midfield too. Will more teams be able to have a go at them?

As for the finances, it is ridiculous. Their transgressions to date have not caught up with them properly, and I can’t imagine the funds needed for this are above board and squeaky clean. The authorities have to do their job.


But could be playing when ideally he should be sitting out.

To be fair to him, I’ve certainly panicked a lot when losing a semi at an inopportune moment…


Just picture Alice mate.

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Don’t picture Haaland.


Who the fuck is Alice?

Alice Morgan. deliciously evil. one of my all-time favorite characters.
sexy make love GIF

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Have they not yet backed that? A fair few PL clubs have I’ve noticed.

BuT wE’rE tHeIr BiGgEsT rIvAlS…

While I am not going to say Haaland will flop, I will say that the idea he will come into the league and start dominating it is not a forgone conclusion. His injury record is abysmal and he has, so far, only played in Norway, Austria and Germany. It’s still a huge step up to the Premier League.

He looks just about as good as anyone to come out of that league so he has a good chance of translating his game but I am still wary of all these “superstars” who have yet to play consistently against elite opposition.


Lallana if he had remained fit would be a much better player than Grealish