Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

It could also quite easily be a tall lad big frame and the legs giving up on him. I have seen it happen before

Was it Ferran Soriano that was happy with a UEFA official dying, or was that one of the other scum buckets in their management team?

Re Haaland, good goal scorer/finisher, however the types of goals he scores doesn’t suit the style of city. As far as I remember, lots of his goals are from direct play through balls, while on the other hand city play a more patient style. His holdup play will also be wasted there. Perfect player for Chelsea.

Okay, I’ll step in and do it for you. Only one of their players will crack 20 goals all comps next season and it will be Mahrez again not him.
And in the four games they may need to play against us, you’ll see his true worth to them in terms of bringing trophies.

I am saying that if he goes to City he will flop.
If he was joining Liverpool he would be a superstar!

Bloody Hell

After I played wing man for you and all.

We would rather make our own version of haaland. Except thiago , that level of class cant be made.

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City fixtures looking too easy - opponents, games being played at home, days between games.

Not seeing Villa get something against them. City will have a week to prepare for that final matchday and they are playing at home.

My biggest hope:

They are playing Newcastle at home on Sunday May 8th - should be another easy win for them.

A week later on Sunday they play West Ham away which could be difficult for them.

And what’s making it even harder is they will have a trip to Wolverhampton between those two games.

Wednesday (hopefully Thursday) away Wolves
Sunday West Ham away

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Yeah I also struggle to see where cheaty will drop points. Really, really, really looking forward to having egg on my face…


Tonight mate. City 1 Brighton 1 :wink:


My wet dream is they draw very late on in the season, where our draw at City has actually allowed us to get through a
pretty challenging run of fixtures with the pressure off…well United were supposed to be one of those challenging fixtures where I expected them to try and raise their game but this pride-less, overpaid team rolled over so we could tickle their belly.


I hope Pep had a terrible nights sleep after watching Liverpool demolish another Manc team in the space of a few days.

He’s probably already at the training ground, pacing back and forth, losing his mind, Jurgens song running through his head.

Come on Pep - crack like the humpty dumpty egg that you are already.

Clubs have signed (right or wrong, success or not) players with much worse injury records than Haaland’s. It’s not unusual for his age and body type. He spoke that now his focus is on working on prevention. I don’t think anyone of the intersted clubs are worried about this. The more important factor is tactically, will he be a right fit for a Pep side. Though of course, it’s a more City long term signing, he might be there long after Pep.

A lot of wishful thinking about Haaland here. He’s obviously a major talent and has every chance of doing well at City.
He’ll never get past Ibrou though.

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All I will say is that its better that City get Haaland than Mbappe.


How similar is his playing style to that of Kane who was a target last summer?

Kane’s more technique and less power. Comes deeper to play passes, places the ball more often than smashing it, whereas, from what I’ve seen of Halaand, he’s more similar (and much better than) Lukaku - ball played to him, holds it up and plays it to a team mate, then bombs forward like a train and blams the ball in with his thunderous strike.

Halaand much younger and likely able to adapt his game, but I’d say Kane is the better fit for Peps team.


Not as well rounded as current Kane, but maybe similar to the Kane of 4-5 years ago at the time when it was common to still be doubting him. You dont anything overt about his game that scream world class talent, but he just scores goals. He’s definitely faster than Kane though.


I see 2 spots where they could drop points:

1 is today. I think on form and style Brighton is a decent match. They play Citeh tough most times and seem to be up for the big games.

The other is the away trip to Leeds between the CL semis. Leeds are a much different prospect under the Yank. Much tighter at the back, combined with some obvious rotation for pep could lead to some stale play that match. I think West Ham will be too focused on Europe and Wolves are a coin flip depending on the day. I still think they drop points though.

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We have roundly been viewed as having a harder run in, but that is based primarily on Utd and Everton. We’ve made a mockery of the first and I believe we will on sunday as well. I think the rest of the story is actually quite positive.

Of the remaining games, 3 of the opponents are common, and I think Wolves and Villa are harder opposition for them than for us. That leaves:
Them - Brighton, Watford, Leeds, and West Ham
Us - Everton, Spurs, Southampton

When you add in the challenge posed by the common opponents, I think now Utd are out of the way it’s easy to craft a story for why there are as many reasons for them to drop points as there is for us.