Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

It’s his look upto the crowd and possibly god that takes it to 11.

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It used to be a very common phrase in Aus back in the 80’s and 90’s to put the game and supporters down.

He was a former Australia captain that went into the media and was very vocal in his support and backing of the game so decided to use that as the title for his biography to take the sting out of the insult


ah , thanks for the context.

It is very interesting, the regional differences in the use of language.

Quite a few of my mates call themselves wogs and when it came up in conversation here, people were horrified.

Nick Giannopoulos even got a couple of movies out of it…The Wog Boy and sequel…


Looks like we’re not the only team launching their new kit today.


Also the Wogs part has a largely different meaning in Aus to the rest of the world, although still strong racist conitations

When Aus started to open up to immigrants post WW2, there was a large number of europeans looking to escape the post war cold war, and we had a large number of south Europeans in particular (especially Italians, Greeks, Croats, Yugislavs ect.) but as alot of them were without any proper visa when they arrived they had their passports stamped with With Out Government so in typical Austrialian fashion, it got shortened to W.O.G. which then ended up becoming wog. So whilst still having racial conetations, it is nowhere near as vile as how it was used in US or UK.


How can that be true? Without is one word. Sounds like a story made up so as to justify calling these immigrants wogs.

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I think it’s partly because they’re not quite good enough, and not prepared to take the risk. Real are comfortable making it a series of 1v1 battles all over the pitch, because the players are good enough to do it. And then there’s probably a risk/reward element to it as well. CL semi, balancing on the edge between progressing and getting eliminated, just go for it.

For the average PL team, maybe there’s not enough reward, so a lot of coaches go with the cautious approach…?

I think it’s the same thing with Liverpool. In previous years, before we got good at building from the back, I’ve sometimes wondered why opponents didn’t press our build-up more, for me that’s been how to punish us. But again, risk and reward.



Pep when it comes to Champions league semi finals.


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GIF by Giphy QA

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From the BBC comments section…

"Similar to ‘Spursy’, could we suggest the phrase ‘Pepsy’? As this also comes bottled.

Attributed to Angus that.


With and Out are 2 different words. And if you learn English you would know that :stuck_out_tongue:

To be honest, I think the stamp probably was Without Government but over time, the O was emphisied to make things easier to pronanounce as 1 word rather than a bunch of letters

To be honest, Aussies aren’t the most literate plus they like to add 'o’s to everything


In 8th minute of 6 minutes of added time, Coutinho will hit the bar from a 40 yard free kick that will bounce off the back of the diving Ederson’s head into the net to snatch a late 1-1 draw.

This is how we’re going to win the league.


Why do City need to have Man City in large letters across the front of their shirt? Is it because they are such a small club no one knows who they are?


Or according to the Special One:


I thought exactly the same thing watching yesterday’s game. :rofl:

The Aussies I knew in the 90s dismissively called it Wopball, as it was only played by the Italians (and presumably Slavs and Greeks) :neutral_face:

I think that story about where WOG comes from is probably one of those myths. There is a similar false etymology in the US for the genesis of the term WOP, which is commonly said to have meant With Out Papers, but the term was already in use prior to immigration papers being introduced. In really is most likely an anglicization of guappo. Eitherway, even the false etymology is racist so it doesnt really matter.

My dad’s face book is surprisingly silent. He seems to have fallen back into his more traditional view of not wanting to care about city because they will only break your heart by fucking it up the second you develop hope. This was the attitude he had about city almost all my whole life, and even through the first period of the new era. He even once made a point when I was a young kid of sitting me down to talk me out of supporting them because he didn’t want them to fuck up my life the way they did his.

About the only salty comments are from other city fans (who are these people?) and the common theme is the complaint about ONLY giving 3 minutes of added time. Uh, that’s a normal amount for a regular half. It’s a LOT of time for a 15 minute period, the equivalent of 9 mins for a regular half. How has this become the common complaint among these fans?


Obviously they aren’t very smart. They are City fans after all

