Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

Good points.

I think the argument about a lack of goal scorer are far better directed towards Kane than Haaland, simply because Kane has shown in the last few seasons that he is, annoyingly, actually far more than just a goal scorer. I think he fits into that team far more seamlessly than someone like Haaland (but Im also contrarian looking for reasons why there might be a chink in the armour of City)

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I think the way we cover football is basically geared at over-hyping forwards. We are coming out of the era of Ronaldo and Messi dominating the game so now the media has to try and hype the guys who are going to be next ones to dominate football, or even surpass Messi/Ronaldo. They’ve landed on Mbappe and Haaland for now and the imminent signing of Haaland is already being hailed as a move that makes Man City winning every game next season a distinct possibility.

I compare it to tennis. Once Djokovic, Nadal and Federer started waning we heard a lot of hype about the next guys - the ones who would take their place. Dimitrov was “mini-Federer”. What happened? No one took their place. A few guys a slightly better than the pack but there is no indication that the golden generation will be followed by a similar or better one. Same with football. These aren’t talents that will break leagues or change the course of history for a club. They’re good players, better than most, but not the undefeatable God-like characters we portray them as.

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@Sweeting By way of comparison, where does Salah (our forward whom I consider to have the “freest” role) rank on those defensive metrics?


Wonder what’s happening with the Premier League FFP investigation? I read something the other day that suggesting the league was reaching the end of its process.


Klopp was asked about the Haaland transfer today and he said that the numbers in there will take the whole thing to new levels.

Considering that the release clause is relatively low with £67m one can only imagine how huge everything else in the package will be.

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Kane is such a better fit for them, I would be quite happy if they went for Haaland. Haaland is actually a lot cheaper if you look at age and transfer cost. I would expect Todd to demand more of a wage.

Are we talking on the books or off?

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Can anyone remind me what his wage demands were please?

I bet he comes in on a figure way below that.

Superstinker GIF by CMO ANZ

I’ve read a few ranges, some saying all in fee and wages is £500mil over 5 years. That included huge fees for his dad and agent (wonder who gets that now)

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This should be accurate, although I can’t stand this biased Manc twat.

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Salah’s v Haaland

Tackles p/90: 0.52 - 0.12
Pressures p/90: 15.64 - 12.86
Interceptions: 0.45 - 0.29

So Salah makes essentially 5 tackles for every 1 Haaland does, makes three presses more per game and gets double the number of interceptions.


There is no way he is costing just over £200mil. His fee is £60mil, his dad and agent are getting £50mil each and then you have his wages, he will be on at least what De Bruyne is I.e. £370k a week (declared wages)… Ducker is a Tory stooge.


I’ll get a DVD player ready.

and somehow Man City will still post a profit after buying him and paying his wages

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extra shirt sales, with lettering being charged, it’ll probably break even in the first week or two…

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and somehow PL, FA, UEFA will still find their finances perfectly legitimate. :rage:

Reports of Rhodri having his 2 pennath about LFC…oooohhh are they so jealous…