Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

But Ings though??!!


Milner is more mobile than coutinho.

Itā€™s the thought that counts :slight_smile:



A nice take for you!

Iā€™ve looked on the UAE forums and they all hate him over there too :thinking:


Fuck knows why. West Ham got a free kick at 93h45. Moyes makes a substitution (also fucking brainless if you ask me). Taylor then allows play to go on long enough for City to win the ball back, pass it around a bit and then put it into the box all of which took a lot longer than 15 seconds.

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So as @Kopstar says, why do they hate him so much and call him Anthony Scouse Taylor? In fact why is he arguably the most hated by fans of all teams? He must be doing something right. I actually think he is possibly the best of an admittedly mediocre bunch.


A minimum of 30 seconds has to be added for each substitution so a bit stupid of Moyes to create more playing time. But yes, the referee gets the blame and not Moyes.

So the game should have ended at about 94h30 then, no? Guess what. It didnā€™t. After the sub, he allowed them to win the ball back, pass it around and then gave them the opportunity to put it in the box. The 30 seconds for the sub and the supposed 15 seconds left had long since past by then. He gifted them a chance at getting a ball in. Thatā€™s plainly ridiculous. Itā€™s not rugby where the ball has to go out of play and itā€™s not supposed to be that an attacking move must break down first before the whistle be blown.

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Yeah, I think heā€™s pretty good (I just found the tweet amusing). I did a summary last year of the refs and he was certainly one of the better ones.

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I canā€™t remember but was there any other stoppage or time wasting during the time added on? That is what most people donā€™t factor in. It is a minmum of added on time not a finite amount.

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I can remember pretty well. City had the ball for the majority of the time and the ball was in play no longer or shorter a period than normal play would warrant. Moyes was brainless but there was just 15 seconds left. To allow City to win the ball back, do what they do and then say ā€˜okay theyā€™re on the edge of the box now, I canā€™t blow the whistleā€™ is just ridiculous. Time was up, he allowed them once last chance to create something. That is not his remit, he has to be fair to both teams and he wasnā€™t and in the wider scheme of the title he favored City, intentionally or not.


In the Cup Final at the end of time added on, we were allowed to take a corner and extra 30 seconds were taken up. It happens all the time. Refs let the last phase play outā€¦I guess that is the instruction.


Nonsense, and more defence for the Manc.
How many phases did he add on yesterday? He willed City to win. If that isnā€™t obvious I canā€™t really help you.

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Not when we have a clear run through on goal it doesnā€™t. Canā€™t remember the game. @jaffod will, Iā€™m sure. No Iā€™m serious. It really happened, pretty sure it was Martin Atkinson on the whistle. I think it was Thiago with the ball through, Mane on the run andā€¦ ā€˜sorry lads, itā€™s half timeā€™. And it was few seconds early too, if I recall.


So sad that he gonna have to wait several years to live out his dream

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It was Paul Tierney of Greater Manchester when we were playingā€¦Manchester United!!


You donā€™t know there was only supposed to be 15 seconds left. If 4 mins is shown on the digital display for added time means there is at least 4 mins, but not yet 5. However, any time that needs to be added from the point they raise that board can take it to over 5. For reasons that I think are understandable, refs tend to be more sensitive to time wasting as the game goes on and so tend to be more willing to add additional time for things late in the game, such as during time already being added on, they were willing to let go previously.

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Regardless, taking those deluded people in that forum as a standard of truth is stretching standards a little farā€¦

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