Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

dont like Madrid due to the way they have treated other clubs in the past,

and this does have a hint of bitterness about it due to Madrid losing out on players

but i will let it slide for the now, and support Madrid and La Liga in their complaint


I canā€™t stand Real Madrid but I am delighted that they are trying to confront Man City and PSG. If UEFA canā€™t settle this, it will lead to a breakaway league in the next few years.

UEFA will run the petrodollar league. Man City, PSG, Newcastle.

The new thing will be the usual European giants, but with better sporting integrity built in for others to have a shot, having learned from the aborted Super League effort.


Fuck you Madrid you hypocrites.

Bully the other Spanish clubs, rape and pillage players when needed over the years and miss out on Mbappe after trying all your usual tactics and now cry foul.

How about a draft and salary cap then hey? No then itā€™s not a 2 team league.

Yeah and Iā€™m still dirty over the CL final you jammy cunts.


See, this is where football tribalism gets us nowhere. Because we donā€™t like Madrid and their own state connections from yonks back, we shit on what is a legitimate case. Not exactly the same thing but similar happens in England when it comes to fans of other teams hating us and then we get the shits and canā€™t understand why when itā€™s obvious we have a likeable manager and group of players who go about business the right way.

Get over it and let them get on with it to fight a battle that obviously concerns us as well, ffs. There is a bigger picture than just laughing at Madrid about Mbappe or hating them for being hypocrites. When we lose out on the league having scored 99 points next season it will be some comfort that we stuck it to Madrid for being hypocritical cunts, wonā€™t it? :roll_eyes:


I donā€™t think the points made by @Rooster and @RedOverTheWater are mutually exclusive and I happen to agree with them both.


Itā€™s painfully myopic, and it shows why football is such an easy target for these people; we are relentlessly partisan, overly emotional, and weā€™re easily manipulated into rallying against our own interests so long as they are presented as the interests of our ā€˜rivalsā€™.


What @El-Cuchillero said. We may hate City and we may hate Madrid as both are not my cup of tea but City are the most immediate threat to us, season in and season out while Madrid comes along in the CL every so often. Nobody in the Prem has the combination of inclination, clout or balls to call City out but Madrid has done just that which is in our interest so why give a fuck about what Madridā€™s done, real, imagined or otherwise. Just let them get fuck on and maybe this shit show that weā€™ve all been complaining about, letā€™s not forget, finally gets something done about it.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend


If we lose to city next season on 99 points there will be no comfort believe me and Madrid will still be cunts.


Madrid have the right idea but are the wrong messengers. Also I donā€™t trust their reasons for bringing this case.

Theyā€™re not altruistically trying to save football by going against the oil state clubs, theyā€™re angrily trying to save their place at the head of the table. The reaction of their president to Mbappe staying at PSG came across as pathetic whining - a shock to their hearts that anyone would turn them down.

Unfortunately, even though their argument is probably true, theyā€™ll lose in the court of public opinion because of how unpopular they are and how unlikeable all of their ownership/leadership is. Once that happens football has already shown their happy to cash in and let the petro-state clubs get away with it.

As an aside itā€™s funny to see City fans complaining about fuel costs while owned by a literal oil producing country that is refusing to increase production in order to artificially maintain higher prices. Yeah, Man City fans, see that next Ā£100m your genius manager is going to drop full backs? We are all paying for that. Morons.

A better situation would probably be a massive joined effort of all the smaller clubs to join the lawsuit. Until the likes of Watford, Cagliari, Cadiz, Bochum and Strasbourg (randomly selected clubs) then the squabbles of the top teams in the game over who owns the latest superstar will continue to be written off as unimportant.


Officially itā€™s La Liga rather than Real Madrid that are taking the complaint to UEFA so maybe we can all get behind it. I think this is all a bit too late and that the Super League fiasco fucked everything up. That was poorly handled and diverted attention away from the problem it was trying to solve. PSG came out of all that smelling of roses as far as UEFA are concerned. They never joined the Super League and their President is now head of the European Clubs Association. You couldnā€™t make it up. City were the first English club to withdraw from the Super League so more brownie points for them with UEFA.

I donā€™t know what can be done but something has to be. Iā€™m all for players getting well paid. Biggest global sport, loved by billions and itā€™s a short career with the ever present threat of injury hanging over you but deals like the Mbappe one recently are simply grotesque. Once Newcastle get going the fees PSG are paying will seem small-time and the game will be finished, if itā€™s not already.

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City signing their annual new fullback.


Yeah but they only spent 60m on Haaland.*

*and here is some magic beans.


I didnā€™t pile in on Real Madrid but my first few words covers my feelings. I really donā€™t like them! With that said, they are a true European giant. Yes, they have bullied others, and yes, they have some skeletons in their closet too.

But in this instance they are on the side of right, so I hope their fight against Man City and PSG leads to some sort of reckoning, and that the most destructive excesses of the game are curtailed. The petrodollar clubs definitely need to have their wings clipped, as the money, and the hidden money, is out of control.

If not, without wanting to sound too melodramatic, I do think a breakaway league is on the cards again, and the nation state clubs will be excluded.


I can pretend itā€™s La Liga, like if Bundesliga and Serie A joined in Iā€™d be fine but we know who would be pushing it. If France didnā€™t have PSG then theyā€™d be on it as well.

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Tebas has spoken repeatedly about the destabilizing impact such large amount of outside money have on the game. here are times he makes Barca sound like an addict who cannot help themselves, and they are not a remotely sympathetic party, but his argument is still correct.


Iā€™ve noticed a faction of City fans wanting Raum over Cucurella, so Iā€™m happy itā€™s this bloke.

I donā€™t want to see a good boy like Raum go to such a shit club.

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They were happy enough to let the oil state clubs enter their new super league project, so their newest whining lacks any credibility indeed. I hardly took note when I saw this, and UEFA will likely do exactly the same, apart from giving some lip service, and handing a mild verbal warning to the oil state clubs, if at all.

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