Manchester City* - 130 charges (and counting...)

That’s what you took from the comment?

You lost me at the Werner comparison

I wasn’t suggesting they had comparable quality. It was a comparison of the sort of opportunities they had both made their reputation on, and highlighting the struggles a player can have when those patterns of play dont exist on your new team, either because of the way your new team plays, or the way the opposition sets up against you.


Not sure about that, his movement is exceptional. When their passers get on the same wave length as him he will cause every single team problems, including us.

Haaland will score his fair amount of goals (like all City attacking players do) but I doubt he will be able to challenge the likes of Kane, Salah and Son for the Golden Boot.

His physical attributes will probably count for ‘nothing’ against most PL defenders.

He has other qualities of course but he is definitely not undefendable.

You do expect City to feed him more chances than other teams would though.

I’m just hoping that the adjustments they need to make gives us the opportunity we need.

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I’ve always been of the opinion that his style doesn’t play to the strengths of City’s game. His addition to the starting lineup is a negative for that team, even though he will improve them in certain areas. Now Alvarez is completely suited to their game. I believe that selling Jesus and Sterling was a huge oversight.

Two years after signing Pablo Moreno from Juventus for 10m, they’ve let him go to Maritimo for essentially nothing. Not many other clubs could afford to take such baths on players - including us.


Jimmy Saville did a lot for charity….


Looks like they are interested in Raphael Gueirerro now that it looks like they will miss out on Cucurella

you are better than that.

He should be a good fit at City, excellent footballer. Do you think Dortmund would sell?

He has one year left on his contract so could happen.

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I’m saying people hide behind charity…

Saville was beyond vile but the state sports washing behind this doesn’t deserve to be excused.


Sickening. The entire approach from the guardian football correspondents with entire sections on ‘social media’, ‘netflix’ and ‘shirt sales’ while no justifications for league positions but a flippant

‘Winning the Champions League is the focus for City, although anything less than top spot domestically will be a disappointment for a team aiming to set higher standards each season.’

‘Jack Grealish. The England winger always seems to be having fun on his social channels. From grabbing Carson on the Premier League trophy parade after a shandy to going viral for being lovely to fans, Grealish knows what the public want and there is lots of general lighthearted banter from the Brummie. He has racked up millions of followers across the big three socials as his stock rises with the champions on and off the pitch. Who wouldn’t want to see Grealish doing a jig on the Etihad pitch while Louis Theroux raps? Jiggle jiggle.’

Their football journalism has gone into the toilet. They used to have a range of serious football men who loved and wrote about the game but now we have this muck. Yuck.


On Guardian, I think only Liew is decent for football value. Barney Ronay and Wilson are only for banter worthy entertainment. All the other articles are for BTL comments. :sweat_smile:

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What are the decent sites for football? I used to follow Goal and ESPN Soccer but they too are pretty lame.

TIA was always a cracking one.

Sadly since the change in leadership and rebrand, to TAN, not qiet as good :wink: :rofl:

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With the exception of Jack Lusby :laughing: